Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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9月. 20, 2016 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 2-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
This week, we start from the important part of shoe-making : Lasting. This step will conduct the shoe from two-dimension to three-dimension. Professor is teaching us the technique to do it.
This shoe’s name is “Decolete”. First we learn the simple folding to create this shoe. Before using real leather to make our shoes, we use fabric for practice.
After use fabric for practice, we finally use real leather. This step we glue and stick reinforcement to strengthen the edge.
This step shows that the back of shoe also should be strengthen.
Now, you can see how many test I do before making a real one, but I’m so excited about the outcome!
This week, after a big raining day, the weather in Firenze is getting cold.
然而,這樣的天氣很適合出遊喔! 這周二趁課間的空擋,我來到有名的鞋店”Salvatore Ferragamo” 櫥窗逛街。
However, the temperature is comfortable for taking a walk in Firenze. On Tuesday, I went window shopping to the most famous shoe brand, which is Salvatore Ferragamo. What a gorgeous shoes.
A horse-drawn carriage crossing the street when I passing by. Everything likes fantasy but actually real world.
Carousel at Piazza della Repubblica, one of the famous tourist site in Firenze.
There was a scene of right foot shoe with plant growing, couldn’t let the beautiful view out of my sight, so lovely. This is this week’s weekly report, see you next week!

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