Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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2月. 23, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 20-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
這個禮拜我們再次光顧Mr. Rossi的鞋店。第一次拜訪在我們大致了解店內的運作後,這次老闆開始教我們如何製作客製化的鞋子。我們開始認識儀器、量腳、選材料、製作中底、修改楦頭。Mr. Rossi說到:不只是製作一雙定製鞋,更需要照顧到客人的喜好。於是我們站上足底掃描機,開始製作訂製鞋。圖片為Masami站在掃瞄機上的樣子。
This week, we once again visited Mr. Rossi’s shop. At first visit, we roughly understood how this shop working, this time, we learned how to customize a shoe.
We will learn how to use machine, measure foot, pick materials, make insole and shape the last. Not only to make a customize shoe, but also to know what customers need, Mr. Rossi said. Photo shot when Masami standing on the scanner.
分析完足底壓力後,接著我們描出腳的輪廓。站在張特殊的紙張上,黑色的陰影顯示出我們採在地面上時壓力產生最多的地方,圖片是masami的腳型,重心偏後腳跟及外側。腳的形狀跟壓力點同時反應人走路的方式及腿的樣子,Mr. Rossi說著。
After analyzing foot pressure, we start to draw the outline of foot. Mr. Rossi asked us to stand on to a special paper, which will show the shadow when standing on the ground. The darkest part meant where more pressure was. This picture was Masami’s foot. The shape of your foot and where pressure is coincide with the way you walk and how your legs look, Mr. Rossi said.
這是我站在掃瞄機上的樣子,Mr. Rossi說我的腿型還算正常,沒有O型腿及內八的現象。
Photo shot when I standing on the scanner. Your legs looked healthy, Mr. Rossi said. I was glad to hear that, hope I can keep going like this when I getting older…
掃描機的下側有一個鏡子,從鏡子可以看到最多光點的地方,代表著你施加越多的壓力在那邊,我的腳在中間趾骨的位置產生較多的壓力,Mr. Rossi建議我多穿柔軟的鞋子。
There was a mirror underneath the scanner, which could see the light where pressure was. My foot had more pressure in the middle metatarsal that Mr. Rossi suggested me to wear comfortable shoes.
Similarly, I stood on the special paper and being drew the outline of my foot. This was how my foot looked like. Compared to Masami, my foot is a bit long and thin.
This is an interesting material for making insoles. It looked like a kind of sponge, very soft. When putting foot into it, it shaped into your foot. After that, insole could be made by this.
After picking the last for our size, the last should be form and fit our foot. We added some materials where is not enough space, sanded it with machine where is too much space.
Mr. Rossi 正在示範修改楦頭的方式,他說,手握楦頭的方式很重要。
Mr. Rossi was demonstrating how to form a last into proper shape. the position of holding the last is really important, he said.
At school, I keep working on my oxford. The happiness thing was that I finished the step of making heel. Though the heel looks like the only small part of the shoe, actually it took a lot of time for making it. It’s not easy to make it flat to the ground. Photo shot when I about to put the last layer.
Finally, both sides of heels were fixed. Next step was to cut extra leather and sand with machine. I taped my shoes with tapes, in order to prevent it from machine when sanding. Hope I could finish this pair on next week, which is my first pair for me.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.