Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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1月. 18, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 4-Atelier Course 2017
The aim for second hand stitching was to combine outsole with welt. After I stitched both side, Prof. Angelo showing me how to close the channel precisely.
Mai decided to challenge Norwegian construction in her first pair. Prof. was teaching her how to prepare insole for this construction.
這是我們的新同學Mirko! 有修鞋背景的他,才過了四個星期,已經開始在製作牛津鞋了,真是厲害。
This is our new classmate Mirko that I haven’t introduced. With shoe repairing background, he made shoe very fast! Only four weeks past, he was learning oxford shoe this week, so cool.
This is Yushih’s first pair of shoe, she decided to challenge ankle boots with Tirolese construction. Photo shot when she put on the counter in her shoes.
Sweet girl Caterina was smoothing her upper with lighter.
星期三好不容易疊好的鞋跟,被拆下來了! 真是給了我一記震撼彈…經過與教授的討論,是要再加一層皮料上去。鞋跟高度的不足影響到鞋子整個的重心,穿著的人也會因此在穿著上產生後傾的問題,原來小小的細節,影響這麼大!
I thought I finished the heel building process, it wasn’t. In contract, the last layer that I have built was taken off from my shoes…Angelo suggested me to put more layer on it for the right balance.
Photo shot when gluing the heel and then hammer nails inside.
Processing another shoes in the independent studies. This pair will be a Goodyear shoes. (Testing myself to see how much I have learned last year)
快要完成了! 有沒有期待它完工的樣子? 現在它包裹著保護用的膠帶還有點醜陋,但這都是過程啊! 趕緊拍照紀念一下
Almost done! Do you also looking forward just like I am? Though it still look like a ugly duck, it’s will become swan later on. Took a picture for this moment.
95% finished in this week. Next week I’m going to make up this babe. Yahoo.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.