Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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1月. 25, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 5-Atelier Course 2017
This week start from dying the Tirolese outsole! In this time, I decided to paint the outsole nature, which will make it more casual.
Suddenly, Prof. Angelo brought a little stamp from his room. A stamp with Florence mark! “You want to put it in your shoes?”-He said.
It will be a pair of shoe in a symbol of Florence. Reminding the days when I was in here…
Photo shot when I finished my first pair of Tirolese construction! I felt this shoe more complete when polishing it with shoe cream. I am very satisfying the result.
新的設計在這禮拜也同步開始了! 我設計了一款大片流蘇的樂福鞋。照片裡教授正在教我如何製作這個版子。
New designs also start in this week! I designed a French Tassel Loafer. Prof. Angelo was teaching me how to make this pattern.
It was Chinese moon festival on Wednesday, the date for family gather together. Though we couldn’t celebrate with our families, we have a wonderful time with friends in here. Barbecue~!
We went to a Korean barbecue restaurant close to train station, “Gangnam”. It is a really nice restaurant has delicious barbecue and kimchi.
這張是雨蒔幫我拍的,哈哈! “我的新設計看起來好像公雞超人”-我邊說著邊做出逗趣的表情。
A photo took from Yushih, haha. “My new design looks like a rooster superman ”- I said.
Weekend coming with a nice weather, I took a walk on Saturday for exploring Firenze city. I found a jewelry place on the road of Via de’ Bardi.
這家叫做BOTTEGA STORICA D’ARTE的店從文藝復興時期就坐落在這個城市了,到現在他們還保留著傳統的方式進行珠寶創作,店裡的每一樣作品都厲害的讓人屏息。有機會來到佛羅倫斯城,一定要來這裡走走看看。這禮拜的週報就到這裡,我們下禮拜見囉!
This shop has been here for hundreds of years, it’s a really cool shop. All the jewelry inside is all handmade and Renaissance style. The artisan inside the shop still uses the traditional way to make jewelry, so cool! If you have a chance to look around Firenze city, do not miss it! This is the end of weekly report, see you next week!

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.