Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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10月. 28, 2016 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 7-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
這個禮拜的課程,我們專注在學習Francesina的中底製作以及鞋面攀幫。同時,我們拿到先前訂製的楦頭了! 從此刻起,我們將使用自己挑選的楦頭設計自己的鞋款,好興奮。
This week’s class, we focused on making insole and lasting Francesina. At the same time, we received our shoe last this week! Now, we could actually make our own shoe. I’m very looking forward to it.
On Monday, we start learning how to make insole, this time is quite different because we now using leather as insole, it is more complicated and take times. Assistance teaching us how to make leather sole as well as the method of letting leather fit the last.
Wetting the leather and skiving oil on surface, then conducting leather with hammer and nail. Dried a little bit, now we could cut the edge.
Professor was teaching us how to design the pattern below the metal.
Cutting leather, combining metal and then stick another layer to cover metal. This layer of leather should be skived into zero on the edge.
There is a special position when gluing back counter. Even back counter use leather.
After sticking back counter, it’s time to start lasting. I accidently cut too much lining on the back, I had no choice but put my nail on upper, haha. It won’t make a mark, I put it on the corner.
The method of lasting is similar to Decollete shoe. First, pre-lasting then, lasting.
Francesina lasting finished.
Having bubble tea, was made by friends also from Taiwan, on Wednesday. For so long I didn’t have this flavor, now I had, how wonderfull.
This week I also finished my first pair of handmade shoe. I am going wear it around Firenze!
This is weekly reports, see you next week!

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.