Accademia Riaci
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3月. 09, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 9-Atelier Course 2017
這禮拜我製作完莫卡辛的鞋面並且開始lasting了! 圖片裡我正在縫製莫卡辛常見的邊緣處理方式,稱作Border。第一次車縫這樣的邊條有點不太適應,兩塊皮料的高低落差讓輪軸像開在不平穩路面的車,上上下下的,呼!
Hi, another moccasin week! In this week, I’ve done with my upper and finally started lasting. As you see in the picture, this is a new method for edge finishing, which is called “Border”. The method needed to concentrate very well while stitching. For the first time making “Border”, it took me a while to adapt it. In conclusion, it looks NICE!
It seems my first customized Derby could be done in this week. How exciting!
This is Monica’s oxford shoes. I like the way she uses colors and that lovely combination.
Prof. Angelo was showing Monica how to last her oxford shoes. see how fast, professional and accurate he did like always! (Impressive…)
Photo shot when moccasin upper was ready. Now, it is the time to last this shoe!
Prof. Angelo was showing me how to last moccasin shoe. The way for lasting it and putting counters is the same as usual.
The back part needed to stretch shape it a bit by hand, Angelo said.
Okay, Pre-lasting was finished. In this time, I decided to challenge a new construction named- Idea. As you see, this lasting method is so different from the others.
Especially the back part, usually we use short nail for the heel but, in this case, Prof. use long nail and bend it down around the last…
I am very happy I have finished this pair. Thanks for our assistant – Masa helping me with shoe laces. Now, it looks gorgeous! This is the end of weekly report, see you next week~

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.