Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
Read all class reports from our students!
9月. 24, 2021 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Yuki Shimomura, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.12)
🇬🇧 Weekends
On Saturday, there is an art stage once a month, and I went to the glass museum in Empoli, which is about 30 minutes by train from Florence. And this day was also my moving day…. Luckily, my classmate, Kevin, who lived in the same flat, helped me move, so I managed to move to a new flat. Thank you, Kevin!
On Saturday, there is an art stage once a month, and I went to the glass museum in Empoli, which is about 30 minutes by train from Florence. And this day was also my moving day…. Luckily, my classmate, Kevin, who lived in the same flat, helped me move, so I managed to move to a new flat. Thank you, Kevin!
🇯🇵 週末
土曜日には、月に一度のアート・ステージがあり、フィレンツェ から電車で30分ほどのエンポリという街にあるグラスミュージアムに行ってきました。そして、この日は私の引っ越しの日でもありました…。幸いなことに、クラスメイトで同じフラットで暮らしていたケビンが引っ越しを手伝ってくれたので、なんとか無事新しいフラットへと引っ越すことができました。ありがとうケビン!
土曜日には、月に一度のアート・ステージがあり、フィレンツェ から電車で30分ほどのエンポリという街にあるグラスミュージアムに行ってきました。そして、この日は私の引っ越しの日でもありました…。幸いなことに、クラスメイトで同じフラットで暮らしていたケビンが引っ越しを手伝ってくれたので、なんとか無事新しいフラットへと引っ越すことができました。ありがとうケビン!

🇬🇧 Learn about the history of Empoli’s glasswork at the Glass Museum.
🇯🇵 グラスミュージアムでエンポリのガラス工芸の歴史について説明を受ける
🇬🇧 Week 12
At the beginning of class on Monday, his assistant Giovanni prepared a cake to celebrate Angelo’s 82nd birthday. Happy Birthday, Angelo! I also gave away the mini derby shoes I made last week. When I showed them the paper patterns for the mini shoes, they laughed and said, “Did you also make paper patterns!?” I hope you like them! Of course, classes will continue after the party. On this day, we learned how to make the yarn used in Blake Construction. Normally, three threads are twisted into one thread to sew, but this time, for future practice, we practiced using four threads as one.
At the beginning of class on Monday, his assistant Giovanni prepared a cake to celebrate Angelo’s 82nd birthday. Happy Birthday, Angelo! I also gave away the mini derby shoes I made last week. When I showed them the paper patterns for the mini shoes, they laughed and said, “Did you also make paper patterns!?” I hope you like them! Of course, classes will continue after the party. On this day, we learned how to make the yarn used in Blake Construction. Normally, three threads are twisted into one thread to sew, but this time, for future practice, we practiced using four threads as one.
🇯🇵 12週目

🇬🇧 Angelo blows out the candles on the birthday cake. congratulations!
🇯🇵 バースデイケーキのろうそくを吹き消すアンジェロ先生。おめでとうございます!

🇬🇧 Showing examples of how to make yarn for “Blake Construction”.
🇯🇵 ブレイク・コンストラクション用の糸の作り方の見本を見せてくれています
🇬🇧 In Tuesday’s class, we finally started hand-sewing the insole and outsole using Blake Construction. However, a certain challenge awaited him before he could actually start sewing. In this method, boar hair is used instead of sewing needles, but attaching the boar hair to the thread is extremely difficult. The boar bristles are split in half and the thread is wound around them, but the boar bristles are quite stiff and do not wrap well. After being taught many times by Angelo, I was finally able to install it.
🇯🇵 火曜日の授業では、終にブレイク・コンストラクションを用いてインソールとアウトソールを手縫いする作業に入りました。しかし、実際に縫い始める前にある試練が待ち受けていました…。この製法では、縫い針の代わりにイノシシの毛を使うのですが、糸にイノシシ毛を取り付ける作業が物凄く難しいんです。半分ほどに割いたイノシシ毛に糸をネジネジと巻きつけていくのですが、イノシシ毛は結構硬さがありなかなかうまく巻きついてくれません。アンジェロ先生に何度も教わりながら、やっと取り付けることができました。
🇬🇧 On Wednesday I created a test for my father’s derby shoes that I started working on last week. If you type the test into the last… I feel a little uncomfortable. So let’s move on to the next task after having Bernardo check it the next day. At night, I made the granola that I always wanted to eat. Of course, they sell it in Italy, but it’s quite expensive, probably because they don’t have a culture of eating breakfast.
🇯🇵 水曜日には、先週から作業を始めた父用のダービーシューズのテストを作成しました。テストをラストに打ち付けて見ると…。なんだか少し違和感が。と言う事で翌日ベルナルドにチェックしてもらってから次の作業に移ることにしましょう。夜には、ずっと食べたいと思っていたグラノーラを作ってみました。もちろんイタリアにも売ってはいるのですが、あまり朝食を食べる文化がないからか、結構高いんです。
🇬🇧 On Thursday, I started working on the heels of my 4th pair of shoes, the Derby shoes, which I tried for the first time during the break. The leather used for the soles this time is about 5mm, so it is very difficult to cut, but Bernardo taught me how to cut it easily. Also, I decided to recreate the test pattern for my father’s shoes by slightly changing the pattern. Good luck next time!
🇯🇵 木曜日は、ブレイクに初挑戦した私の4足目の靴、ダービーシューズのヒールの作業に入りました。今回靴底に使用している革は5ミリほどあるので、とても切るのが難しいのですが、ベルナルドが切りやすい方法を教えてくれました。また、父用の靴のテストも、型紙を少し変更し、新たに作り直すことにしました。次はうまくいきますように!
🇬🇧 This time, I finally went to the Duomo church for the art visit on Friday. It’s been three months since I came here, but I haven’t been there yet because I’m too lazy to stand in line every day.
🇯🇵 金曜日のアート・ビジットで今回は、遂にドゥオーモの教会へ行きました。こちらに来てもう3ヶ月経ちますが、連日の行列に並ぶのが面倒で、まだ行っていなかったんです。

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.