Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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9月. 01, 2016 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Hitomi Mine, InternshipReporter: | Course: Internship
Wedding 1-Internship Course 2016
I had an opportunity to support a wedding ceremony from the preparation step. As it had been a while since I supported a wedding ceremony the last, I was really excited to be there. Staffs were all working in a happy and lively atmosphere, but their faces turned serious and professional when the actual ceremony started.
It was a valuable experience for me to see so many unique items used and to find different points in the ceremony itself.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.