NEWS and Blog
Jul. 12, 2013 | Posted in Reports, Living in Florence | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ Italian Language and Dialects
Hello, all!
Summer is almost in full swing in Florence, and it’s the vacation season.
A lot of Italian people are enjoying the summer relaxing on the beach or
at cool summer resorts…how fortunate!
It is a part of joy to discover different parts of Italy, which is diverse
in geographical features, cuisine, and culture.
In fact, they did not even have a common language “Italian Language” until
150 years ago when Italy was unified.
There were, and still there are, many different dialects different from
each other, such as “Napoletan language”, “Milanese Language”, etc. Tuscan
language as one of such dialects were chosen to be the common language
after the unification.
So, it maybe said that Florence is the best place to study Italian
language, as it is the capital city of the Tuscany region.
It is also fun to discover various Italian dialects particular to each
region, and soon you will be able to guess where the person is from the
way they talk when you hear Italian people on the street.
What about characteristics of Florentine way? Why don’t you come and find
Language is not learnt just in the classroom, but by going out and talking
with people living in Italy from various places.
Florence is an ideal place to do that, too, as it is situated in the
middle of the north and the south.
If you want to find out more about Italian language lessons offered in
Florence, please contact us!
Have a nice weekend!