NEWS and Blog

Aug. 09, 2013 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:

From 19 April 2013 to 31 May 2014, Salvatore Ferragamo Museum
in Florence is hosting a new and important exhibition, “The Amazing
Shoemaker – Fairy Tales and Legends about Shoes and Shoemakers”.

The exhibition is based on the grandiose life of Salvatore Ferragamo, a man who, led by his determination, relentlessly pursued his dream: creating beautiful, innovative shoes that would inspire generations of women. Salvatore Ferragamo, a self taught genius from Naples so inventive in creating the most refined and comfortable shoes in the world, became known as the shoemaker of royalty, stars and famous people.
The exhibition explores the role that shoes play in fairy tales,
myths and legends, which very often revolve around shoes and cobblers,
as wearing shoes historically have represented a sign of wealth and power.
Visitors jump into the world of Salvatore Ferragamo through installations, comic books, animation, short films, stories, and antique treasures.

➢Official site:

Salvatore Ferragamo Museum is only 10 minutes walk from Accademia Riaci: it’s the perfect chance to learn more about Italian unique style and design!


Salvatore Ferragamo 1



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