NEWS and Blog

Dec. 09, 2013 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ SHOE MAKING (30 OCT)

In this lesson, students will learn the process of attaching paper tapes over the wooden last (in Italian it is called “Forma”) and to draw design on it. The tape is elastic, specifically made for shoe making, so that it adheres also along the curved shape of the pattern.

The tape has to be applied over the right half of the last without leaving any space, and then students design on it. Then remove the tape and put it on a cardboard, paying attention not to create wrinkles.
When removing the tape from the last, it is important not to stretch the paper tape by pulling it too much, so you need to proceed accurately.

Now that the design is successfully drawn on the paper tape over the cardboard, it is necessary to add a part that seems like seam allowances. This part is going to be used at the process of pulling over, in which this part will be tucked in the bottom of the shoes and fixed.
Once the design is completed with this part for pulling over, students can cut the cardboard according to the lines. To mark the points for accessories, a hole with a punch is used.

Prof. Angelo and his 2 assistants are all very busy giving instructions and advices to the students.








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