NEWS and Blog

Dec. 10, 2013 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design, Product Design, Living in Florence | Tags:

Each student represents a two-dimensional design of the theme previously chosen. Because of difference in individual pace, in the class there are both students who are still completing the 2D design as well as students who have already started drawing the 3D design. The instructor gives advices to each student, according to the level of progress of each participant, and provides detailed feedbacks to specific questions.


Different methods of three-dimensional representation are employed: hand drawing, model production, the software Vector 3D, etc. Each student employs his/her preferred approach.
For those students who chose to represent the project with a paper model, the teacher introduces the specific type of paper for it, and gives advice on how to build it.
For those who use computer software (Vector 3D), the teacher checks if the inserted data is appropriate for the structure and suggests how to modify if there are inaccurate parts.
In the process of creating the 3D design, it is essential to pay attention to what material is used and where, as well as the weight of the structure (for instance, if we use bricks we have to consider also whether to use or not the perforated type, according to the specific purpose).
For the student who designed a water tank in the shop, the teacher asks clarifications about the material and structure employed for the base of the tank, and provides him with specific advices.
To another student, who wants to use solemn decorations inside the store, advises to try to adjust heavy impression to a lighter impression by applying different colors and materials.


There are infinite variations of materials and combinations used for architecture and interior design, so it is important to select carefully ones in accordance to the specific purpose and position.


When working on actual project, it’s also necessary to take into account the customer’s preferences, but the teacher stresses that the role of designer requires also to provide technical explanations and suggestions –such as the durability of the structure and technical constraints – to the clients, and to provide alternative solutions of the project if necessary.


Also, it’s necessary to pay attention to the building standard laws, since they vary from region to region (for example, in Florence area if there is no sufficient width to pass with a wheelchair, the building permission won’t be issued)









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