NEWS and Blog
May. 27, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Painting and Drawing | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ Painting & Drawing (March 31st, 2014)
Today, we introduce the so-called “Tecnica dello Spolvero” (Pouncing) an art technique used for transferring an image from one surface to another.
This student is spreading with a brush a coffee-colored powder on the sketching paper, which has been previously punched with holes. By doing so, the pigment gets spread out creating a sketch on the canvas.
The student has prepared the sketch in advance, tracing along the image outlines by creating pricked marks on the sheet, with a punch/needle. By connecting the transferred pigment dots on the canvas, you can see the image emerging little by little. So, it is really important to think carefully where to prick the paper sheet.
The student is pricking small marks on the sketching sheet. Through them, he transfers the pigment on the canvas by using a brush.
This is the pure pigment powder: this time we are using a dark-brown tonality.
After having checked that all dots have being transferred uniformily of the canvas surface, we remove the sketching paper.
The image has been completely transferred on the canvas.
Having a closer look, you can see the dots connected with a pencil trait.
On the left, a finished work realized with the same techinque.
The student starts drawing on canvas.
He uses a very limited number of colors.
He is going to represent the image only through lights and shadows. It’s a challenging task!