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Jul. 18, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags: ,

外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法2 18.2.2014

外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法

・There are cases where the heel part is sewn by hand (photo on the left)
・We wet the insole to adapt it to the shoetree and fix it with nails, and finally adjust the shape
・In case students do not know each step, they will continue to work while reviewing along with the teacher. (Photo on the right)

・踵部分は手縫いでの縫い合わせを行う事もあります。 (左)

外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法

・The contents are not only taught through printed instructions, but also using a variety of different materials (photo on the left)
・It’s important to record each step of the process (central photo)
・Students exercise on how to sew a Moccasin, as preparation for making the Goodyear style stitching; (photo on the right)


外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法 外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法

・Students attending the 2nd year of program are way faster than the others
・The heel core tends to deviate easily from the lasting so it’s important to pay sufficient attention in the work
・Sewing practice on Moccasin before performing the Goodyear-style stitching
・For Goodyear stitching we need to use a 
・If the student is not familiar with this technique, before sewing he/she employs a special needle
 called “Regina” and punch holes
・In order to highlight the holes, we draw little dots with a pen


外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法  外羽接着製法、グッドイヤー製法

・This is the insole used for Goodyear-style shoes
・It’s extremely important to make notes on the new contents and techniques learnt during the class.



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