NEWS and Blog

Dec. 11, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags: ,
Staff Blog≫ Weekly Report (Reporte Semanal dec 1-7)

This week we learned to do many new things about design. Beginning with Rhino, we made a ring with one stone. The designers of each ring was to our liking

Esta semana aprendimos hacer muchas cosas nuevas en cuanto a disenio, empezamos por Rhino, hicimos un anillo con una sola piedra, el disenio de cada anillo era a nuestro gusto.









In our class of design we learned how to draw and color the pave. Pave is Several Stones together on a sets on the surface of a metal, with the stones forming a type of net. We also learned how to color faceted or cabochon stones and pearls. The technique requires lots of practice that’s why I made a necklace with various sizes and shapes of stones to keep practicing.

En clase de disenio aprendimos a colorear pave (varias piedras juntas puestas en una superficie de metal, formando asi tipo un nido) y a colorear piedras facetadas y cabuchon perlas. Es una tecnica que se necesita practicar bastante. Para practicar esta tecnica de color, realice un collar con diversos tamanios y formas de piedras, aun asi hay q seguir practicando



In this days I can see the different atmosphere of Christmas time in the city. The street seems so pretty with the lights and I can see the happier faces of the people walking. There are many decoration on the streets like the lights, the Christmas tree and lots of joy.

En esta epoca ya se puede ver ambiente navidenio en la cuidad, hay bastante decoracion por las calles, luces, arbol de navidad y mucha alegria.






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