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May. 19, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags: ,
Staff Blog≫ Jewelry Making 11-Art Short:Spring 2015

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Continued with my pendant this week, I soldered the main form and tried to solder the needle pendants on the structure.


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It was too hard to solder them at the very beginning. Thanks for teacher’s help, I finished them step by step.


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I polished my pendant, after soldered the tube for the chain and the double helix shape on the top.


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My teacher was helping me to set the stone in the center.


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When I finished this pendant, I took some photo with my friend. It was a hard work but I feel really happy about the result.


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This thursday,me and my friend went to Venezia for the famous Biennale Arte 2015.


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Different pavilions shows a lot of interesting art works, we were inspired a lot.


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We even went to visit a famous architecture designed by Carlo Scarpa, The Brion Cemetery.

我们还顺便去参观了著名建筑师 Carlo Scarpa 设计的巅峰之作 —- 布里昂墓园。

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This week was finished under the sunshine of San.Vito.



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