NEWS and Blog
Jun. 26, 2015 | Posted in Reports, RIACI NEWS | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ [NEWS Letter] Jewelry Design News
Hello, this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.
As we successfully finished our Academic year 2014-2015, we are now receiving many, many graduation portfolios from our new graduates. Today let us introduce you another excellent portfolio. This student had just completed 1-year Jewelry Design Master Course; please see hereafter some artworks from her beautiful graduation portfolio.
We are now accepting enrollment for Academic Course from September 2015 and from January 2016. Short Course can start every week. Join us and be introduced to graphical representation techniques of jewels and gemstones, learning effectively how to merge aesthetics with functionality.
To find out more, please contact us. You can reach us also by Skype.
We look forward to hearing from you!