NEWS and Blog
Aug. 28, 2015 | Posted in Reports, RIACI NEWS | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ [NEWS Letter]Fashion Design News
Hello, this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.
Studying Fashion Design in Italy stands out a unique experience that offers a first-hand contact with that world, its protagonists and events. As a matter of fact, in Italy only it is possible to experience and perceive the evolution of a fashion system as complex and multifaceted as this one.
Our Fashion Design Course proposes a wide-ranging approach including design, cultural, productive, and marketing and communication aspects through a constant dialogue with the professionals working in those sectors.
Designing fashion is a fascinating, complex adventure that requires talent, outspoken passion and expertise, and no place is better to learn Fashion Design than Italy!
We are now accepting enrollment for Academic Course from January 2016. Short Course can start every week. Please consult with us directly, we will be happy to assist you to make your studying abroad in Italy fruitful and satisfactory!
To find out more, please contact us. You can reach us also by Skype.
We look forward to hearing from you!