NEWS and Blog

Sep. 21, 2015 | Posted in Reports, RIACI NEWS | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ [NEWS Letter]International Art & Design Competition 2016

Hello, this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.

We are pleased to announce the 2nd edition of “International Art & Design Competition”, open to all students and professionals worldwide in the fields of; Jewelry Making, Jewelry Design, Shoe Design, Bag Design, Furniture Design, Fashion Design, Fashion Business, Interior Design and Illustration.

The main purpose of this competition is to contribute to the promotion and internationalization of the entire Italian Art, Design and Crafts industries, by discovering new artists, fostering their talents, and in the meantime promoting study abroad in Italy in general. In its first edition of the competition last year, we received many participants from all over the world (you can see the winners on; 2014 Competition Winners).

Please refer to the official website below for all details about; eligibility and registration, entry submission, conditions, prizes and deadlines.

Also you can download the flyer directly from the website; Competition 2016 Official Website

For any information, please contact us to the following address:

International Art & Design Competition 2016 Committee
c/o Accademia Riaci
Via De’ Conti 4, 50123 Firenze, Italia

Best regards,

International Art & Design Competition 2016 Committee

Via de’ Conti 4, 50123 Firenze ITALIA / Tel. +39 055 289831- Fax +39 055 21279

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