NEWS and Blog
Sep. 25, 2015 | Posted in Reports, RIACI NEWS | Tags:
Staff Blog≫ [NEWS Letter]Interior Design News
Hello, this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.
We have Students’ Reporter System to assist hard working students with 10% of tuition granted, and there are many students who are taking advantage of this system. Today, let us introduce you a report from one of such students’ reporters. She is a new student who just started taking Interior Design (Atelier 1 year Course) from this September. She just turned in her first report, please read it from the following link and find out what new students are feeling in the class.
We are now accepting enrollment for Christmas Course 2015, a very special all- inclusive package Short Course. It begins on December 6th, and various starting dates and durations from 1 to 5 weeks are still available in all courses. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy holy Christmas and New Year season in Italy!
And what’s more, there are still openings for Academic Course from January 2016 and Short Courses that can start every week. If you should have any inquiries or interests in any of these courses, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly. We will be happy to help you in any way we can!
To find out more, please contact us. You can reach us also by Skype.
We look forward to hearing from you!