Archive for the ' Fashion Design '

Oct. 27, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Mihaela Zaneva , Fashion Design
Reporter: Mihaela ZANEVA | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 2-Art short Course 2017
1. Florence from the sky is very beautiful. 空から見るフィレンツェはとてもキレイ! 2. And Duomo from the sky is very beautiful. I love it! 空から見るドゥオーモはとてもキレイ・大好き! 3. I saw a little “Pieta” i… [Read more]
Oct. 13, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Mihaela Zaneva , Fashion Design
Reporter: Mihaela ZANEVA | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 1-Art short Course 2017
I came to Florence after 30 hours travelling by bus and the only one thing, which I want to see is where is my apartment. So, it was nice. 30時間バスに揺られてフィレンツェまで来ました。唯一見たかったのは私のフラット。良い所でした。 … [Read more]
Oct. 13, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Teh Kuan Yon , Fashion Design
Reporter: Teh Kuan Yon | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 1-One Year Course 2017
Understanding the fundamental of fashion design as the basic learning outcome of fashion design. We began this week by understanding the human figure of fashion design. ファッションデザインの基礎的な学習として、ファッション… [Read more]
Jun. 19, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design | Tags:
Pitti UOMO 2014
Photo:Pitti UOMO Hello, now in Florence there is Pitti Uomo, one of the biggest international fashion exhibition in the world. One of our students, Francis from USA, who just finished his Master… [Read more]
Apr. 03, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design | Tags:
Fashion Design (March 4, 2014)
In the previous lessons, while exercising of creating a collection, students tended to lose sight of the final goal. This time, in order not to repeat the same mistake, it’s important to firmly keep i… [Read more]
Mar. 13, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design | Tags:
Fashion Design (March 3, 2014)
In this course students learn the characteristics and background of fashion designers. Today we talk about Dolce & Gabbana. This brand strongly emphasizes the colors of Sicily, where Dolce’s hometown… [Read more]
Feb. 13, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design | Tags:
Fashion Design (10 February, 2014)
Today we follow the work of a Fashion Design student, who has been stuck for about 2 weeks in the creation of her collection. The rose pattern that she had inserted was a bit too common, so she search… [Read more]
Dec. 02, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Jewelry Making | Tags:
JEWELRY DESIGN lesson (20 November 2013)
Jewelry Design standard course is held 3 times a week, each lessons is 3 hours. Also many students of jewelry Making participate to 20 hours of Design classes, in order to gain a wider understanding o… [Read more]
Nov. 26, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design | Tags:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design report – November 5, 2013
Today, each of us is going to learn the process of Photoshop. First, we are going to make the most basic design of plaids. We open the scanned plaid design image drawn by pencil with Photoshop, then… [Read more]
Nov. 21, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design, Product Design | Tags:
The second week of the program is focused on exploring the concept of combination: how to combine clothes with accessories and how to combine the upper and lower parts of the outfit, taking inspiratio… [Read more]