Archive for the ' Interior Design '

Jul. 04, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Rie Shirayanagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Rie SHIRAYANAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.22 – One Year 2018 (r.s)
We have been to the exhibition of Verocchio who was master of Leonardo Da Vinci. Also, there are masterpieces and works of well-known artists around 15th century, such as Domenico Ghirlandaio, Sandr… [Read more]
Jul. 02, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Zhi Han Wong , Interior Design
Reporter: Zhi Han WONG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.24 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)
I’m happy that I reached one week focus on one area of details drawing, this week finished the study room details. Yeah! Next to the art visit class we went to Verrocchi… [Read more]
Jul. 02, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Sophia Sanchez , Interior Design
Reporter: | Course:
Interior Design
Furniture Design vol.19 – Master Course 2018 (s.s)
I finally came up with a concept for my light. The form of my light is inspired by a mythical bird from the Philippines called “Ibong Adarna”. The material that I’ll be using on my light will probab… [Read more]
Jun. 29, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Rie Shirayanagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Rie SHIRAYANAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.21 – One Year 2018 (r.s)
Image 1-7: We have walked around the piazza di Santa Croce for this Friday ArtVisit. We started our tour at the Santi Simone and Giuda church. It was designed by Gherado Silvani and paid for by the … [Read more]
Jun. 28, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Sophia Sanchez , Interior Design
Reporter: | Course:
Interior Design
Furniture Design vol.18 – Master Course 2018 (s.s)
I am now working on my new project, which is a lighting fixture. The type of lighting fixture that I’ll be making is a chandelier with a modern approach. I’ll be using LED strips for my light. Right… [Read more]
Jun. 28, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Zhi Han Wong , Interior Design
Reporter: Zhi Han WONG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.23 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)
A good morning with a good breakfast! This week I had finished the dry and wet kitchen details drawing for carpenter wood work. This week we have a walk around Sant… [Read more]
Jun. 25, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Zhi Han Wong , Interior Design
Reporter: Zhi Han WONG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.22 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)
This week will focus on all the carpenter wood work details in living room. We have the last history class in this week, thanks for lecturer Barbara makes me feel intere… [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Sophia Sanchez , Interior Design
Reporter: | Course:
Interior Design
Furniture Design vol.17 – Master Course 2018 (s.s)
I finally decided on what my next project would be, and that is to make a lighting fixture. I’m currently doing some research on the different kinds of lights in order for me to give an idea on what… [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Rie Shirayanagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Rie SHIRAYANAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.20 – One Year 2018 (r.s)
Image 1-18: For this Friday ArtVisit, we have visited to the contemporary art exhibition at the Museo Novevento. The artists are Exit Morandi, Medardo Rosso, Riccardo Guarneri, and Leonardo Ricci. T… [Read more]
Jun. 18, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Zhi Han Wong , Interior Design
Reporter: Zhi Han WONG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design vol.21 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)
A week’s holiday is over, details drawing is coming soon. The picture shows the toilet details which focus on tiling, dimension and position. This week we went to Piazza San Giu… [Read more]