Archive for the ' Interior Design '
Jul. 27, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 20-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
This week Interior Design subject; I need to do kitchen detail drawing. Because detail drawing can make you learn plenty of technical drawing, ergonomic and the dimension as well. Kitchen detail drawi… [Read more]
Jul. 09, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 19-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Travel to Milano From Paris to Milano it took about 2 hours. The hotel we stayed in Milano had the train station concept. It just new opened 1 week ago, very clean and tidy. The first day in Milano w… [Read more]
Jul. 07, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 18-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
During this new year holidays I stayed at Florence, Italy. I will say I am proud that can celebrate new year in different country. I can see different culture and I can get experience with different c… [Read more]
Jul. 07, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 15-Master Course 2017
新しいプロジェクトが始まりました。インテリアデザインのマスターコースでは、授業とは別に最後の4か月間はデザイン事務所とプロジェクトを行います。今回のプロジェクトは実在するアパートのリノベーションでした。 冬休みにヴェネチアに行ってきました。11月末でベネチアビエンナーレが終わり、夏に比べて冬の観光客はだいぶ少なくなります。ヴェネチアでは12月初旬〜1月初旬までクリスマ… [Read more]
Jul. 02, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 17-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
I also went to The Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. The tower is 324 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building, a… [Read more]
Jun. 29, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 17-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Christmas Count Down in Paris Tower During the night after visit to Louvre Museum, we went back hotel to cook the fast food as dinner. Suddenly my friend decided to go under the Paris Tower to count … [Read more]
Jun. 29, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 17-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
This is my 17 weeks of study. We are back to Florence here today, and we finished our trip. We went to Paris and Milan. It was so fun and relax. Paris is a nice and beautiful city, we visited the Par… [Read more]
Jun. 29, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 11-Master Course 2017
照明について先生が実際にどのように施工するか、ビスの寸法や位置、施工順序などを、実際の工具を使用しながら説明してくれました。 ソファの布地を見つけるために生地屋さんに行きました。実際に柄や素材を見て、イメージを作ります。素材によって光の反射で見え方が変わります。 グルテンフリーのレストランにランチに行き、マルゲリータとカルボナ… [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 16-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Travel to Paris We reach Paris after 2 hours flight from Florence Airport. The first day we visit to the market because when we reach Paris the sky is already dark. The designs of the window display … [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 16-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
We are back to Florence here today; we’ve finished our trip. We went to Paris and Milan. It was so fun and relax. Paris is a nice city and beautiful city. We visited the Paris tower and some nice buil… [Read more]