Archive for the ' Interior Design '
Jun. 21, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 10-Master Course 2017
自分でデザインしたテーブルの3Dを何個か作り、脚の太さやバランスを確認しては作り直す作業を繰り返し、先生と構造を話し合いながら安定性などを確認して決めていきます。 秋休みにナポリとイスキア島に行きました。友人オススメのレストラン『Osteria il Gobbetto』に行ってアサリのスパゲッティと魚のグリルをいただきました。ナポリは海に面しているので魚やシーフード料… [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 16-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
22nd December we left for Paris. On that day we went to Galeries Lafayette. The Galeries Lafayette is a upmarket French department store chain. It is flagship store located on Boulevard H… [Read more]
Jun. 15, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 15-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Winter Sales Me and my housemate went to Barberino Designer Outlet to check out the sales in the winter. It’s much cheaper than my country, so we bought a lot of things. I love the environment there … [Read more]
Jun. 15, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 15-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
We’ve started our Christmas break and planed to go visit to Paris. At the same time, Christmas is coming soon, and most people get ready to celebration their Christmas like celebration of new year. Th… [Read more]
Jun. 15, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 9-Master Course 2017
家具の形が決まったら、一度3Dを作成し、大きさや色のバランス、位置などを確認しては修正する動作を繰り返します。 学校のArt visitの授業でART SHOW IN PALAZZO STROZZIの‘IL CINQUECENTO A FIRENZE’という展示を見学しに行きました。色鮮やかな絵画、彫刻だけでなく、変わった展示の方法や配色等もとても勉強になりました。引… [Read more]
May. 11, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 15-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
Let start a Christmas break with a Christmas dinner. Me and two of my friends cook plenty of delicious food so that we can celebrate our holiday. Before that, we go to get some ingredients so that we … [Read more]
May. 11, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 8-Master Course 2017
レストランの壁面のデザインを構築するため、いろんなテキスタイルを探し、先生と相談しながら色と柄を決めて3Dに合わせていきます。 秋休みにアマルフィとカプリ島に行ってきました。アマルフィはレモンの産地として有名でお店のほとんどがレモンを使った食品やキャンドルなどの商品を置いています。レモンチェッロの瓶は様々なデザインがありました。 … [Read more]
May. 11, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 14-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Winter Break I wake up in the morning and find the weather is only 1degree. I gonna stay at home not going everywhere and luckily we have a winter break now. So I can stay at home 24/7. The streets u… [Read more]
Apr. 27, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 14-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
This week is the last week of lesson then we have a Christmas break. Lecturer gave us a time to continue our project 2 so that he could see it after break. During the class lecturer gave me other assi… [Read more]
Apr. 23, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 14-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
This is my 14 weeks of study, and this week is our last week, and we’ll start our Christmas break. So, I will have to finish my design faster and almost close my second project. But my interior has no… [Read more]