Archive for the ' Interior Design '
Jan. 18, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 4-Master Course 2017
フィレンツェ中心部のブランドショップを先生と一緒に巡り、入口扉の収まりや取手のデザイン・位置、内装デザインの配色や棚のデザイン・配置等を分析していきました。最後に先生が手がけたフェラガモの店舗を見学し、物をよく見せるためにはどうしたら良いのか、先生から細部を詳しく解説して頂きました。 … [Read more]
Dec. 26, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 4-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
This is my 4 weeks of study, I am going almost to do my project 1 and now I design all the furniture. (Figure 1) and just thinking some place not yet finish the material and the color. Because my co… [Read more]
Dec. 25, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 4-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
This week I have learnt various type of wood. Lecturer taught the type of wood and explained one by one the goods and bads of each wood. After that lecturer brought out the laminated colour pallet to … [Read more]
Dec. 22, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 4-One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Outdoor Study The first chapter for basic lesson ended. Thanks to the lecturer for telling us a lot of knowledge about the history and art pieces in Italy. Lecturer also introduced us some of the nic… [Read more]
Dec. 21, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 3-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
This is my 3 weeks of study, and my project 1 is starting build 3D out and start to know the furniture and material. So, we always doing our project 1 in the classroom and lecture will check and fol… [Read more]
Dec. 15, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuri Miyagi , Interior Design
Reporter: Yuri MIYAGI | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 3-Master Course 2017
平面図に家具を配置し、大体のデザインが決まってきたら、平面から3Dを立ち上げて実際にどのように見えるかを検証していきます。 家具詳細図を描くために、実際に成り立つ形かどうか、どのように家具を作るのか構築していきます。不明点は先生に聞くと、図を描きながら丁寧に教えてくれます。 L PAPIROというマーブル紙のお店です。FIRENZEは革製品がとても有名ですが、マ… [Read more]
Dec. 14, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 3-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
This week lecturer showing us his artwork to us. He show us his carpentry drawing where it shows how do the furniture that he designed looks like and how does the furniture function works. The carpent… [Read more]
Dec. 08, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Juan Zhi Yang , Interior Design
Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 3 -One Year Course 2017(Student1)
Put Effort on Study It's the third week from the school opening, so everything already quite stable. I have to stop chilling and start doing my assignment. I took 1 week to build the 3D-Modeling for … [Read more]
Dec. 08, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chong Wei Chen , Interior Design
Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 2-One Year Course 2017(Student3)
This is my 2nd week, and our interior design subject start other plan which is ceiling plan and electrical plan and my final furniture plan. (Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3). And this second week I tr… [Read more]
Dec. 07, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Fan Lip Hoong , Interior Design
Reporter: Fan Lip Hoong | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 2-One Year Course 2017(Student2)
The pictures are Basic Studies class. Today lecturer explained 3 famous people and explained what is the history about them. It is so interesting to know what is the history example ar… [Read more]