Archive for the ' Jewelry Making '

Jan. 31, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags:
Engraving class “Incisione” (28 January, 2014)
The student has completed the engraving work on a pair of pierced earrings, which until last week only to one side was complete, and they passed Prof. Marco’s examination. Once the 2 parts have been u… [Read more]
Dec. 20, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags:
Today we explore the special INCISIONE lesson within the Jewelry Making course; Incisione refers to the traditional Florentine-style engraving technique. We will be following how to decorate leaf-shap… [Read more]
Dec. 02, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Jewelry Making | Tags:
JEWELRY DESIGN lesson (20 November 2013)
Jewelry Design standard course is held 3 times a week, each lessons is 3 hours. Also many students of jewelry Making participate to 20 hours of Design classes, in order to gain a wider understanding o… [Read more]
Nov. 01, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags:
Hello there! Accademia Riaci classes have started the 14th of October, and the school is full of international students coming from all over the world. The atmosphere is vibrant and lively! Today l… [Read more]
Aug. 16, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making | Tags:
Buongiorno a tutti! As you might already know Florence is famous for the handcraft and for its jewelry works, following the tradition that the “orafi fiorentini” give to hundreds of years. When one … [Read more]