Archive for the ' Reports '

Oct. 22, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
C.K. , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: C. K. | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#17) – C. K.
I feel like I've made some progress as I've written a few pages... 何枚か書き進めていくうちに少しずつ進歩してきた気がします。。 I like going to the park on sunny days. I hope someday I can draw beautiful landsc… [Read more]
Oct. 21, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Riho A , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Riho A. | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#5) – Riho A.
I participated as a volunteer at a Japanese food and sake event. Although I am not yet able to speak Italian at all, I feel like I have become able to understand things like numbers thanks t… [Read more]
Oct. 20, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#5) – Tomomi W
I went to the Natural History Museum. It's interesting to look at the bones and imagine the majestic nature that existed when they were alive. 自然史博物館に行ってきました。生き物の骨を見ていると、かつてそれらが生きていた頃の雄大な自然… [Read more]
Oct. 19, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
C.K. , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: C. K. | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#16) – C. K.
Lately, I've been practicing landscape painting. I haven't drawn much before so it feels very difficult. However, it's fun because the teacher will carefully teach you until yo… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Riho A , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Riho A. | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#4) – Riho A.
The main way to get around the Dolomiti was by bus. However, it was difficult because they didn't show up on time and I had to book tickets online. However, the local hotel staff and cafe st… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Summer Course , Student Reporter | Tags:
H.T. , Summer Intensive Course
Reporter: H. T. | Course:
Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#2) – H. T.
In today's lesson, we made a "crostata". A tart that is traditionally eaten in Italy and has a simple and light texture. The teacher used vegetable oil instead of butter. I also add seasonal… [Read more]
Oct. 17, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Summer Course , Student Reporter | Tags:
A.W. , Summer Intensive Course
Reporter: A. W. | Course:
Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#3) – A. W.
Although it was a simple dish of skewering various kinds of meat, vegetables of your choice, and herbs in order between the pieces of bread and baking them in the oven, it was extremely deli… [Read more]
Oct. 17, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#4) – Tomomi W
I went to the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ユネスコ世界遺産ドロミテに行ってきました。 Lake Misurina #1 ミズリーナ湖1 Lake Misurina #2 ミズリーナ湖2 Lake Misurina #3 ミズリーナ湖3 Pragse… [Read more]
Oct. 16, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Summer Course , Student Reporter | Tags:
Emi Y , Summer Intensive Course
Reporter: Emi Y. | Course:
Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#3) – Emi Y.
Every Sunday is Lampredotto trial production day. The process is to purchase Lampredot the day before at a store that sells raw hormones in the central market, and prepare it the next day. S… [Read more]
Oct. 16, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
A.K. , Jewelry Making
Reporter: A. K. | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (#2) – A. K.
I used a router to make my second ring. Unlike the router I used in Japan, it was a little difficult to adjust the speed with my feet. It's fun to be able to use tools I've never used before… [Read more]