Archive for the ' Reports '

Dec. 09, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Risako , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Risako | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course N1 (Risako)
🇺🇸 The jewelry making course I am taking this time is a little different from other courses in that there are multiple classes in one course. The course timetable itself is div… [Read more]
Dec. 07, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Wenjie , Interior Design
Reporter: Wenjie | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N1 (Wenjie)
The professor ask us to design a bookshelf.This is my first time to try to design furniture.I try to design for a bookstore to make the books display look more interesting and I choosed the ma… [Read more]
Nov. 01, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chisa , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Chisa | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N1 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 First time in Italy 🇯🇵 初めてのイタリア 🇬🇧 First of all, I felt fresh in the townscape, which was completely different from Japan. DZ… [Read more]
Nov. 01, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Restoration of Paintings , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kate Appleby , Restoration of Paintings
Reporter: Kate Appleby | Course:
Restoration of Paintings
Restoration of Paintings Short Course (n.6)
This week, I've continued to restore the copy of Carpaccio's painting. Once the bolo is dry and fish glue has been applied, the gold leaf can be added. The gold leaf is cut and placed on a sue… [Read more]
Sep. 22, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin , Jewelry Design
Reporter: Ting-Ya Lin | Course:
Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.21)
This week by appreciating the brand's designs and trying out bracelets. Choose my favorite style from the magazine's jewelry creations and draw it freehand. Create a sket… [Read more]
Sep. 20, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II , Interior Design
Reporter: Marina Tatshani Rabadon II | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.11)
WEEK 11 This week Professor Bicci asked me to make the electrical floor plan of the jewelry shop. We already discussed this before but this was my first initial attempt to make an actua… [Read more]
Sep. 18, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin , Jewelry Design
Reporter: Ting-Ya Lin | Course:
Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.20)
Verona Verona is a historic city located on the banks of the Adige River in Veneto, northern Italy . It was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000 . "Shakespeare 's masterpiece " R… [Read more]
Sep. 16, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Restoration of Paintings , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kate Appleby , Restoration of Paintings
Reporter: Kate Appleby | Course:
Restoration of Paintings
Restoration of Paintings Short Course (n.5)
On Monday, in my Painting for Restoration class, I worked from a copy of Durer's drawing 'Praying Hands' (1508). I used grey paper to provide a mid tone to work on, so I could later add highli… [Read more]
Sep. 14, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chikako , Interior Design
Reporter: Chikako | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.4)
🇬🇧 The school has entered the final week and the apartment has been completed. 🇯🇵 学校も最終ウィークに入りアパートも完成してきました。 🇬🇧 At first, I started… [Read more]
Sep. 08, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin , Jewelry Design
Reporter: Ting-Ya Lin | Course:
Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.19)
Practice jewelry design in Art Nouveau style this week. The design idea comes from the church shape, using moonstone and sea sapphire as the main stone to design the necklace. In… [Read more]