Archive for the ' Reports '

Sep. 06, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Priyanka Dhingra | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.10)
Monday Today I started another portrait. Working on a larger size canvas with oils it’s good to practice and further learn the skills. Tuesday Under the guidance of p… [Read more]
Sep. 04, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Restoration of Paintings , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kate Appleby , Restoration of Paintings
Reporter: Kate Appleby | Course:
Restoration of Paintings
Restoration of Paintings Short Course (n.4)
My first class of the week involved restoring a hole in a painting. Elena had already mended the hole and applied stucco so that it was ready to be painted. My task was to paint the hole with … [Read more]
Sep. 02, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin , Jewelry Design
Reporter: Ting-Ya Lin | Course:
Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.18)
PISA The most characteristic architecture of Pisa is the inclination of the building Opera del Duomo Museum The building was built as the residence of the canons of th… [Read more]
Sep. 01, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II , Interior Design
Reporter: Marina Tatshani Rabadon II | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.10)
WEEK 10 Professor Bicci liked my initial design for the jewelry shop last week. He said it needed minor touches to make it more appealing. I changed the glass dome tables in the middle … [Read more]
Aug. 26, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chikako , Interior Design
Reporter: Chikako | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.3)
🇬🇧 In the third week, I launched the drawing in 3D. The Vectorworks I'm using is written in Italian, so I think it's progressing slowly but steadily with the help of the inte… [Read more]
Aug. 24, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin , Jewelry Design
Reporter: Ting-Ya Lin | Course:
Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.17)
Begin this week with pearls as the main body of the design and practice bracelet design. This is to try to figure out what the pearl will look like when illuminated by different light s… [Read more]
Aug. 22, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Restoration of Paintings , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kate Appleby , Restoration of Paintings
Reporter: Kate Appleby | Course:
Restoration of Paintings
Restoration of Paintings Short Course (n.3)
Having drawn the Madonna in Andrea del Sarto's 'Madonna Delle Arpie' (1517), I chose to focus on a different figure for my watercolour painting. My painting in progress. I had to start … [Read more]
Aug. 20, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Summer Course , Student Reporter | Tags:
Haruka , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Haruka | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N2 (Haruka)
🇬🇧 During the weekend's Cultural Excursion, I took the train to Lucca. It is a small town surrounded by castle walls, and there are old-fashioned churches and buildings lined… [Read more]
Aug. 19, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II , Interior Design
Reporter: Marina Tatshani Rabadon II | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.9)
WEEK 9 This week I started first with my window display for the jewelry shop. My inspiration came from how storks were believed to bring babies in bags of blankets, but instead of babie… [Read more]
Aug. 18, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Painting and Drawing , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra , Painting and Drawing
Reporter: Priyanka Dhingra | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.9)
Monday oil painting is a steady but slightly slower process as it takes a lot of practice and time. Now experimenting with self portraits as part of my project series. … [Read more]