Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Jul. 04, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Christine Lesperance , Shoemaking
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course:
Shoe Making 12-Atelier One-Year Course 2016
The design students learned to color with markers (above is an example introduced to students.) Using color pencils, water color, or markers depends on the student's personal preference. Some use al… [Read more]
Jul. 04, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Shuri Matsunaka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Shuri Matsunaka | Course:
Shoe Making 2-Art Short Course 2016
授業風景 これは型紙に起こす作業を指導している所です。 カミーチャという木型にテープを貼って作った型紙モデルを基にして、実際の革を裁断するための型紙を作ります。 これは本を使って底づけの方法の種類を説明している所です。 この日はグッドイヤー、ノルベジェーゼ、ティロレーゼの説明をしていました。 底づけの方法と種類 このミニチュアを使って、ノルベジェーゼ… [Read more]
Jul. 01, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Shuri Matsunaka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Shuri Matsunaka | Course:
Shoe Making 1-Art Short Course 2016
授業風景 まずは先にマエストロであるアンジェロのお手本を見ながら説明を聞きます。 この時みんなスマートフォンで動画を撮って、後で自分で見直して勉強したりしています。 これはグッドイヤー用のソレッタを準備する為の説明をしている所です。 木型にそわせるように、釘を打っています。 彼女がやったプロバの修正をアンジェロがやっている所です。 いつも自分でやった後は、チ… [Read more]
Jul. 01, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Christine Lesperance , Shoemaking
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course:
Shoe Making 11-Atelier One-Year Course 2016
Enjoying a class visit to the Uffizi Museum. The Uffizi is one of the world's top art galleries housing some of the most important works of the Renaissance. At the Uffizi Museum, the design stu… [Read more]
Jun. 28, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
John Shepherd , Shoemaking
Reporter: John Shepherd | Course:
Shoe Making 6-Summer Course 2016
My Sixth Week After many drawings of lasts from different angles, I started drawing shoes. My theme was ghillie shoes, using loops for the lacing. After drawing a few styles, i worked on shading and… [Read more]
Jun. 23, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Christine Lesperance , Shoemaking
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course:
Shoe Making 10-Atelier One-Year Course 2016
Student created a shoe design using satin laces. In order to best envision how to position the laces on the shoe, a few sketches were made. Below are two examples. Professor Andrea using a last… [Read more]
Jun. 14, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
John Shepherd , Shoemaking
Reporter: John Shepherd | Course:
Shoe Making 5-Summer Course 2016
My Fifth Week Last Saturday, I visited the shoe store of Stefano Bemer. They create handmade shoes, primarily for men, but there is a new line of women’s shoes, based on men’s styling. It is an ins… [Read more]
Jun. 13, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Christine Lesperance , Shoemaking
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course:
Shoe Making 9-Atelier One-Year Course 2016
In the Footwear Design Course, using a Light Table helps to speed up the process in completing one's collection. When having to sketch multiple shoes of a similar design, we simply take a finished s… [Read more]
Jun. 07, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Christine Lesperance , Bag Making & Leather Arts
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course:
Bag Making & Leather Arts
Shoe Making 8-Atelier One-Year Course 2016
Students in the design class spent 2 weeks learning how to draw proportions and angles properly. Above is my own sketch of an ankle boot that I learned how to draw with an easy 4-step guide. Th… [Read more]
Jun. 06, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
John Shepherd , Shoemaking
Reporter: John Shepherd | Course:
Shoe Making 4-Summer Course 2016
My Fourth Week The oxford shoes are well underway now. They will be “welted”, or as they say here in Italy, “goodyear stitched.” This method involves sewing the lasted upper to the insole, with a s… [Read more]