Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Dec. 08, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Summer Course:Adhesive method Blucher, Goodyear welt
サマーコース 接着製法外羽・グッドイヤーウエルト製法 17.7.2014 ・After the shoe lasting is done, students cut off the excess leather and get ready for sewing. ・吊り込みが終わったら余分な革を切り取り縫いの準備を行います。 ・Studen… [Read more]
Dec. 08, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Adhesive method Blucher, Goodyear welt
サマーコース 接着製法外羽・グッドイヤーウエルト製法 17.7.2014 ・After the shoe lasting is done, students cut off the excess leather and get ready for sewing. ・吊り込みが終わったら余分な革を切り取り縫いの準備を行います。 ・Studen… [Read more]
Dec. 04, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Assistant Reporter | Tags:
Francis Waplinger , Shoemaking
Reporter: Francis Waplinger | Course:
Shoe Making 30.11.14 : Assistant Report 8
Here are some more patterns I have cut for my boots. It turned out that the leather I had chosen to use was too soft for a men’s boot. So, I decided to re-cut the pattern with a different leat… [Read more]
Dec. 02, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Adhesive method
サマーコース 接着製法 16.7.2014 ・Students put each part together with a sewing machine. (Picture left) ・For a single- part balmoral design, students make a paper pattern adjusting so that the heel… [Read more]
Dec. 02, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Adhesive method
サマーコース 接着製法 16.7.2014 ・Students put each part together with a sewing machine. (Picture left) ・For a single- part balmoral design, students make a paper pattern adjusting so that the heel… [Read more]
Dec. 02, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yi-Chen Chou , Shoemaking
Reporter: Yi-Chen Chou | Course:
Fall 2014:Shoe Making Course 12
1) The Christmas lights were hung up on the street when I was on my way to do some grocery shopping last Friday. Time really flies. 上週五在我去超市的路上看到耶誕燈飾已經被懸掛在大街上,時間過的真快。 2) At the supermarket, … [Read more]