Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Nov. 10, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Summer Course 1
サマーコース 1 3.7.2014 ・Making medallions (decorazione) are cautiously done by hands. (Pictures left & center) ・Students perform shoe lasting (montaggio) on a shoetree (forma) when a provisio… [Read more]
Nov. 10, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course 1
サマーコース 1 3.7.2014 ・Making medallions (decorazione) are cautiously done by hands. (Pictures left & center) ・Students perform shoe lasting (montaggio) on a shoetree (forma) when a provisio… [Read more]
Nov. 10, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Adhesive method Balmoral pumps
サマーコース 接着製法パンプス、内羽 2.7.2014 ・Students need to be cautious when drawing Balmoral (francesina) lines as if has a big infuence in the finished product. (Picture left) ・When working with a gri… [Read more]
Nov. 10, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Adhesive method Balmoral pumps
サマーコース 接着製法パンプス、内羽 2.7.2014 ・Students need to be cautious when drawing Balmoral (francesina) lines as if has a big infuence in the finished product. (Picture left) ・When working with a gri… [Read more]
Nov. 07, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Adhesive method pumps 2
サマーコース パンプス接着製法 2 19.6.2014 ・Because the paper pattern for Chanel style pumps is very distinctive, students start with reviewing how to make a paper pattern. (Pictures left & center) ・St… [Read more]
Nov. 07, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Adhesive method pumps 2
サマーコース パンプス接着製法 2 19.6.2014 ・Because the paper pattern for Chanel style pumps is very distinctive, students start with reviewing how to make a paper pattern. (Pictures left & center) ・St… [Read more]
Nov. 06, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Assistant Reporter | Tags:
Francis Waplinger , Shoemaking
Reporter: Francis Waplinger | Course:
Shoe Making 02.11.14 : Assistant Report 4
This weekend I went to a monthly antique market that takes place in Arezzo. Arezzo is a small city located one hour from Florence. The market is held through out the entire historic city center of Are… [Read more]
Nov. 06, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Adhesive method pumps (Chanel style)
サマーコース パンプス接着製法(シャネルタイプ) 18.6.2014 ・Students adhere design tapes on a shoetree, put marks on the highest points of the inside and the outside of the shoetree, draw a line connecting those… [Read more]