Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Oct. 31, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Assistant Reporter | Tags:
Francis Waplinger , Shoemaking
Reporter: Francis Waplinger | Course:
Shoe Making 05.10.14 : Assistant Report 1
Florence is a wonderful city filled with countless things to do. Try grabbing a coffee outside at one of many outdoor bars and you will feel just like a local Florentine! There are many antiqu… [Read more]
Oct. 31, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Assistant Reporter | Tags:
Francis Waplinger , Shoemaking
Reporter: Francis Waplinger | Course:
Francis Waplinger Biography and Introduction
Hi, my name is Francis Waplinger and I am from Seattle, Washington, USA. I came to Florence to study shoe making at Accademia Riaci. Before arriving in Florence, I studied at the Savannah College of… [Read more]
Oct. 31, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Adhesive method pumps 3
サマーコース 接着製法パンプス 3 25&26.6.2014 ・Shoe opening and other edges of the leather are folded to hide the cut surface. (Picture left) ・For pumps with an opening at the heel, students insert a cor… [Read more]
Oct. 31, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Adhesive method pumps 3
サマーコース 接着製法パンプス 3 25&26.6.2014 ・Shoe opening and other edges of the leather are folded to hide the cut surface. (Picture left) ・For pumps with an opening at the heel, students insert a cor… [Read more]
Oct. 29, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Lesson Reporter | Tags:
Morita , Shoemaking
Reporter: Morita | Course:
Summer Course:Goodyear welt pumps
サマーコース パンプス・グッドイヤーウエルト製法 12.6.2014 ・After the felt shoe is finished, students start making shoes using real leather. (Picture left) ・As skiving leather is all done by hands, students need … [Read more]
Oct. 29, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking | Tags:
Shoemaking, Morita
Shoemaking: Goodyear welt pumps
サマーコース パンプス・グッドイヤーウエルト製法 12.6.2014 ・After the felt shoe is finished, students start making shoes using real leather. (Picture left) ・As skiving leather is all done by hands, students need … [Read more]
Oct. 28, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yi-Chen Chou , Shoemaking
Reporter: Yi-Chen Chou | Course:
Fall 2014: Shoe Making Course 7
1) During the art visit class last Friday, we've visited an antique shop of marble paper. The studio has been open in Florence for 158 years, and the lady who gave us a tour is their 6th generation.… [Read more]