Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Jul. 19, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 17-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
Since I started to make this reports I highlighted the fact that this experience for me has been not just about learning the shoe making art, but there is more. I met so great, full of joy, full exper… [Read more]
Jun. 29, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 16-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
The mocassino took shape! It is a quite simple shoe model to design, but the upper handmade stitching has been a little bit complex to me. The next week I’ll start the goodyear construction of the sol… [Read more]
Jun. 23, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 15-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
Finally I finished the derby model. The heel and the sole finish has done! So Angelo taught me a new shoe model, the mocassino one. Also with mocassino I will practice the goodyear construction of th… [Read more]
Jun. 14, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 14-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
My first goodyear construction is finished! I completed the second stitching of the sole as well, and I am quite satisfied. I am totally happy about the course, what I learnt, the teachers and my cl… [Read more]
Jun. 09, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Li Shiau-Ting , Shoemaking
Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course:
Shoe Making 28-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
這禮拜是最後一個禮拜上課了。雖然在工作的當中伴隨著不捨,我們卻很珍惜最後的日子,之後,大家將各飛東西,開啟人生中另一個頁面。星期一,我繼續縫製雀爾喜靴另一隻腳的第二道手縫。 It was the last week for class. Though only few days left we are going to say goodbye, we still work to the bi… [Read more]
Jun. 09, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Masami Ishizuka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course:
Shoe Making 29-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
バリスタコースのプライベートレッスンを受けました。ドゥオモ近くにある有名カフェで働く方が直々に教えて下さいました。 I took a barista course to learn how to make café. The barista who came to teach me works at the famous bar very close to Duomo in the cent… [Read more]
Jun. 02, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Li Shiau-Ting , Shoemaking
Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course:
Shoe Making 27-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
這禮拜正式進入挪威縫的第二道手縫,也就是將鞋面與middle-sole縫起。教授Angelo正在示範戳洞的過程。 This week, I start from second hand stitching for Norwegian construction, which was stitching upper with middle-sole. The picture shows th… [Read more]
Jun. 02, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 13-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
What a hard and challenging week! It has been so for various reasons. First of all we started the goodyear stitching (it requires a lot of focus on it), and then we had to say goodbye to classmates wh… [Read more]
Jun. 01, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Lara Blevi , Shoemaking
Reporter: Lara Blevi | Course:
Shoemaking One-Year Course (n. 26)
After returning from my amazing weekend it was time to jump back into work and start stitching my dads boots. My best friend also came to visit me that day and is staying for a whole week! I showed he… [Read more]
Jun. 01, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Masami Ishizuka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course:
Shoe Making 28-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
卒業制作発表会です。私は黒のティロレーゼスタイルとグリーンのノルウィージャンスタイルの2足を出展しました。 Finally, the final exhibition day has come!! I made the black shoes called ‘Tirolese-style” and the green shoes called “Norwegian-style”. … [Read more]