Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

Jun. 20, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , Reporter: Morita | Course: Shoemaking
Creation of shoe exercise sample and shoe cutting procedure

仮靴製作・本番靴革裁断   ・previous report, we place the paper pattern on the cloth for exercise and we cut each part. ・Let’s thin out the parts where the wings and quartets overlap and let’s make sure… [Read more]

Jun. 19, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags: ,
Shoemaking: CLOSED LACING type of shoe (2 part)

うち羽 (接着)2 Removing the paper pattern 型紙取り続き ・Now, we cut the cardboard with a cutter, at about 2mm distance from the design lines. ・厚紙に貼り付けたデザインテープ上に描いたデザインに合わせてカッターナイフを使い2mm程度の細い切… [Read more]

Jun. 19, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , Reporter: Morita | Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts
CLOSED LACING type of shoe (1 part)

うち羽 (接着)1 ・I attached the tape on the external part of the shoe tree, drew a line following the central line of the shoe tree and then cut the tape. ・木型の外側にデザインテープを貼り、木型の中心線に合わせてをラインを引きテープ… [Read more]

Jun. 19, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags: ,
Shoemaking: CLOSED LACING type of shoe (1 part)

うち羽 (接着)1 ・I attached the tape on the external part of the shoe tree, drew a line following the central line of the shoe tree and then cut the tape. ・木型の外側にデザインテープを貼り、木型の中心線に合わせてをラインを引きテープ… [Read more]

Jun. 13, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking | Tags: ,
Shoemaking: CLOSED LACING type of shoe (part 4)

・この生徒さんは革を一枚ずつ積み上げて踵を作っています。 ・踏みあげた踵の周囲をナイフを使い仕上げています。 ・積み上げが終わったら釘を打ち、踵をしっかりと固定します。 ・最後の一枚は厚さ5mm程度のゴムを貼り付けます。(全て革で仕上げることも可能ですが、滑り易いです。) ・This student has built up one by one several l… [Read more]

Jun. 13, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , Reporter: Morita | Course: Shoemaking
CLOSED LACING type of shoe (part 4)

・この生徒さんは革を一枚ずつ積み上げて踵を作っています。 ・踏みあげた踵の周囲をナイフを使い仕上げています。 ・積み上げが終わったら釘を打ち、踵をしっかりと固定します。 ・最後の一枚は厚さ5mm程度のゴムを貼り付けます。(全て革で仕上げることも可能ですが、滑り易いです。) ・This student has built up one by one several l… [Read more]

Jun. 12, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making Loafer (Bicolor)

1. Queste solette raffigurate servono a sostenere il piede dentro la scarpa. 이것은 신발의 중창(인솔)입니다. 2. Questo è un modello di "Mocassino". Ho cucito a mano e a macchina. 이 신발은 모카신… [Read more]

Jun. 09, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking, Living in Florence , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Al mercato delle Cascine

Sono andata al mercato delle Cascine, che viene fatto ogni martedi mattina dalle 7:00 alle 14:00. In questo mercato si trovano frutta, verdura, abbigliamento, aliment… [Read more]

Jun. 02, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Cinque terre

Sono andata a cinque terre.Cinque terre sono Riomaggiore,Manarola,Corniglia,Vernazza e Monterosso. Ci sono le case di belle colore e bello mare. Ci sembra tranquillo… [Read more]

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