NEWS and Blog
Mar. 20, 2015 | Posted in RIACI NEWS | Tags:
[NEWS Letter] Jewelry Design News
Hello everyone, this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.
It is always the quickest and best way to hear students’ voices fresh from the classroom, for you to find out what the lesson is like at Accademia Riaci.
We have many students’/assistants’ reports you can refer to.
Let us introduce you one of the latest report today from a course reporter for Jewelry Design and Making class.
Weekly Report (Feb. 23 to Mar 1)
This week, I started to make a new silver ring, this time I chose the design. At my stone setting class the teacher taught us how to make a special kind of setting stone in a ring. The teacher helps students one by one.
In this week’s art visit we went to Galeria Uffizi to the new exposition of Gerard delle Notte, he was called like that because he did a special technique called Chiaro - Scuro (light-shadow).
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