NEWS and Blog
Mar. 27, 2015 | Posted in RIACI NEWS | Tags:
[NEWS Letter] Fashion Design News
Hello , this is Accademia Riaci, Florence, Italy.
Studying Fashion Design in Italy stands out a unique experience that offers a first-hand contact with that world, its protagonists and events. As a matter of fact, in Italy only it is possible to experience and perceive the evolution of a fashion system as complex and multifaceted as this one. The Fashion Design Department proposes a wide-ranging approach including design, cultural, productive, and marketing and communication aspects through a constant dialogue with the professionals working in those sectors.
– One year / Semester Course
The curriculum of the international program in fashion design includes the basic skills of fashion design, flat pattern, presentation, refinement of design ideas and sewing. The department prepares students for professional employment in the apparel industry as fashion designers, solving industrial problems with professional techniques.
– Master Course
This is a first professional program that stresses the development of technical skills and research and application of the understanding of design to the actual business context. It will culminate to a collaboration project with local companies or professional designers in Italy.
We have other courses such as Basic, Short, and Summer for this major.
To find out more, please contact us. You can reach us also by Skype.
We look forward to hearing from you!