Reporter: Interior Design

Feb. 04, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 17-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' project; Modified Floor Plan S 1 : 50; modification was based on the discussion with the professor ; 咖啡店 修改後的室內空間配置圖 比例1 : 50; 修改內容是根據跟教授討論完後的結果 Café' project; Modified side windows … [Read more]

Jan. 28, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 16-Atelier One-Year 2015

This semester we have a new student from China joined the class. Professor was explaining the different design works. 這個學期我們有一位新的同學從中國大陸來;教授在跟我們介紹不同的設計風格. Café' project; BOX GLASS DOOR ELEVA… [Read more]

Jan. 19, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 15-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' project working in progress; A - A1 SECTION VIEW S 1 _ 50 ; 咖啡店 A-A1 比例1 : 50 立面圖 Café' project working in progress; B - B1 SECTION VIEW S 1 _ 50 ; 咖啡店 B-B1 比例1 : 50 立面圖 Café… [Read more]

Jan. 15, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 14-Atelier One-Year 2015

Over the holiday, I worked on the hand-drawing of my own apartment as a side project; this one is the floor plan with scale of 1:40 ; 放寒假的期間, 我手繪了自己的公寓; 這張是平面配置圖;比例 1: 40 This one is A-A' el… [Read more]

Dec. 21, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 13-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' shop working in progress; completed the floor plan with dimension; 這禮拜持續做咖啡店的設計; 這禮拜完成了平面配置圖的尺寸標示 Café' shop working in progress; completed the front entrance logo & window design with… [Read more]

Dec. 08, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 12-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' shop working in progress; completed the electrical plannig for lighting; 這禮拜持續做咖啡店的設計; 這禮拜完成了燈光配置圖 Café' shop working in progress; working on the front entrance logo & window design; … [Read more]

Dec. 01, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 11-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' shop working in progress; completed the light selection in each area; perspective view in JPG file; 這禮拜持續做咖啡店的設計; 完成選擇各個區域的燈具; 3D彩現圖 Café' shop working in progress; perspective… [Read more]

Nov. 24, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 10-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' shop working in progress; completed the colors and materials selection this week using Vectorworks; The next step is choosing the lighting fixture as well as applying the light effect; JPG fil… [Read more]

Nov. 17, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 9-Atelier One-Year 2015

Café' shop working in progress; working on applying color and materials; 這禮拜持續做咖啡店的設計;目前在設計材質和顏色 Me and several of my classmates participated a local event where they promote local bus… [Read more]

Nov. 10, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 8-Atelier One-Year 2015

The sketches professor did to explain me on the technical aspect of bar design; 教授的手繪圖在解釋吧檯的設計 The sketches professor did to demonstrate the dimension of the bar design; 教授的手繪圖在解釋吧檯的尺寸 T… [Read more]

Nov. 03, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 7-Atelier One-Year 2015

The internet was out on Monday, so I did some sketches for the ceiling on the bar area; 禮拜一網路無法使用,所以我徒手繪畫了想像中的天板圖 Professor is working with other student; 教授在跟其他學生講解不同的設計理念 Through the… [Read more]

Oct. 29, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 6-Atelier One-Year 2015

Professor is explaining the different bar design styles; 教授在跟我解釋不同的吧檯設計 The floor plan on the top is the sample project from one of the Professor's previous student, and I am using it has a re… [Read more]

Oct. 23, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 5-Atelier One-Year 2015

Professor is explaining about the different ceiling types of interior space he designed and liked; 教授跟我們解釋他過去設計和喜歡的天花板造型設計 Professor is showing us one of his student's designed a… [Read more]

Oct. 15, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 4-Atelier One-Year 2015

This is the completed structure of my bookshelf design. The color in the structure is just there for a reference, not the final finished look. 這張照片只是書櫃完整設計的樣子, 裡面的顏色和材質只是放上去給一個比較清楚的外表. Profe… [Read more]

Oct. 08, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 3-Atelier One-Year 2015

On Monday, we continued to work on our project. Last week, I completed my 3D bookshelf shape. In this photo, I exported the sketchup file to JPG file, so I can continue to work on my project using P… [Read more]

Sep. 28, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 2-Atelier One-Year 2015

As I continued to work on my bookshelf and after confirmed with professor for the final design shape from last week, this week I start to build them use Sketchup; so I can see a better view in 3D 延… [Read more]

Sep. 22, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 1-Atelier One-Year 2015

First week of school, professor asked us to design a bookshelf. This photo was my original design, but professor thought it was too traditional, and wanted me to think outside of the box. 開學的第一個禮拜教… [Read more]

May. 08, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Sofia Pollano | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 12-Art Short:Spring 2015

Esta es la última semana del curso de 3 meses que tomamos Yuki y yo. Imprimimos nuestros proyectos terminados, y trabajamos en un proyecto extra, yo diseñando un bar y Yuki el interior de un departame… [Read more]

May. 07, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Sofia Pollano | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 11-Art Short:Spring 2015

Esta semana Yuki diseñó el interior de una casa llamada LIMONAIA, y yo diseñé la parte eléctrica de la misma casa. El profesor nos asesoró. This week Yuki made the interior design of a house call… [Read more]

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