Reporter: Interior Design
Jul. 01, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n7) MH
中央市場のパスタ屋さんに行きました。行列が出来る人気店のようです。パスタの種類とソースを自分で好き… [Read more]
Jun. 26, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#7) – Edwin M.
On Sunday Daniella and I wanted to be a bit productive, so I looked up some cafes to go to sit down and do some work. The place we been to before was closed so I found another cafe called Ditt… [Read more]
Jun. 25, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n6) MH
ドーム状の屋根の内側にはモザイク画が描かれており、とても豪華… [Read more]
Jun. 23, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#6) – Edwin M.
Pic1 Piazzale Michelangelo
Pic2 Piazzale Michelangelo
Pic3 Piazzale Michelangelo
Pic4 Piazzale Michelangelo
Pic5 Dinner at a restaurant
Pic6 Final Project
… [Read more]
Jun. 21, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n5) MH
Pic1, 2 学校のアートビジットでOgnissanti Churchに行きました。
フィレンツェ名物ビステッカを食べにいきました。ここのビステ… [Read more]
Jun. 19, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#5) – Edwin M.
This week started off walking around Florence, we got lost on purpose and found a nice square that had gelato, a cinema, and a really cool art store that we can go to for supplies. The rest of… [Read more]
Jun. 08, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n4) MH
… [Read more]
Jun. 08, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#4) – Edwin M.
For this week, we went around Florence and finally found a couple parks where we can go and relax and get inspiration from the natural world.
For our Villa project I got a lot done: Finalizi… [Read more]
Jun. 08, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n3) MH
週末に友達と国内旅行に行きました!イタリアは素晴らしい場所が沢山ありますので、時間があれば色々な場所に足を運ぶこと… [Read more]
Jun. 07, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#3) – Edwin M.
This week was a slow week. All we did was: work a lot on my Villa. Went on our art visit on Thursday, and went to a museum saturday. During the week I cooked a lot and most of the pictures are… [Read more]
Jun. 06, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n2) MH
美味しいピザを食べた後、無添加のジェラートを食べにいきました。イタリアは本当にジェラート屋さんが多く、日々色々なお店の味比べを楽しんでいます。日本人がシメにラーメンを食べるように、イタリアの方はシメに… [Read more]
May. 30, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#2) – Edwin M.
For my second week in Florence, it was pretty simple, until the weekend. I had my first logo design class on Tuesday. Basically we just sketched up ideas for our logo, our brand, and I have so… [Read more]
May. 19, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
M.H., Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: M.H. | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n1) MH
多くのレストランがテラス席を設けていました。お喋りをしながらゆっくりとランチ… [Read more]
May. 17, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course:
Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#1) – Edwin M.
This week was my first week in Italy. Daniella Ruiz and I flew out of JFK April 30th and landed May 1st in Rome. Our first day was a little rough trying to get to our apartment, but we eventua… [Read more]
Jan. 23, 2023 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Wenjie, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Wenjie | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n3)
This week, the professor told me to design a jewelry shop which I also have never designed before. It’s also a challenge for me. I made 3 plans and found one of them I can feel satisfy. Then I… [Read more]
Dec. 15, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Wenjie, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Wenjie | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N2 (Wenjie)
Continue last week’s work,trying to design the bookshelf. But i still stucking in what kind of shape should i do. Feel a little bit anxious about that can’t find the best answer. I guess is th… [Read more]
Dec. 07, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Wenjie, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Wenjie | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N1 (Wenjie)
The professor ask us to design a bookshelf.This is my first time to try to design furniture.I try to design for a bookstore to make the books display look more interesting and I choosed the ma… [Read more]
Sep. 20, 2022 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
| Language:
Reporter: Marina Tatshani Rabadon II | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.11)
This week Professor Bicci asked me to make the electrical floor plan of the jewelry shop. We already discussed this before but this was my first initial attempt to make an actua… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n7) MH
Pic1 Photoshopでリビングの色付けを終えました。 先生にアドバイスを求めると、先生のご経験からの考えも教えてくださいますが、それと同時に私がどのような感じが好きか必ず聞いてくださいます。生徒一人一人の個性を大切にして授業を進めてくださいます。 Pic2 中央市場のパスタ屋さんに行きました。行列が出来る人気店のようです。パスタの種類とソースを自分で好き… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#7) – Edwin M.
On Sunday Daniella and I wanted to be a bit productive, so I looked up some cafes to go to sit down and do some work. The place we been to before was closed so I found another cafe called Ditt… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n6) MH
Pic1 サン・ニッコロ門近くの広場に行きました。 シャボン玉を飛ばしている方がいて、その周りでたくさんの子供達がはしゃいでいました。とても良い時間が流れていました。 Pic2 いつも外から眺めていたサンタ・マリア・デル・フィオーレ大聖堂ですが、ついにその中に入ってきました。 Pic3 ドーム状の屋根の内側にはモザイク画が描かれており、とても豪華… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#6) – Edwin M.
Pic1 Piazzale Michelangelo Pic2 Piazzale Michelangelo Pic3 Piazzale Michelangelo Pic4 Piazzale Michelangelo Pic5 Dinner at a restaurant Pic6 Final Project … [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n5) MH
Pic1, 2 学校のアートビジットでOgnissanti Churchに行きました。 ここには「ヴィーナスの誕生」等で有名なボッティチェッリのお墓があります。 本当に実在した人物なんだと実感が湧き、過去と繋がったような不思議な感覚になりました。 Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 フィレンツェ名物ビステッカを食べにいきました。ここのビステ… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#5) – Edwin M.
This week started off walking around Florence, we got lost on purpose and found a nice square that had gelato, a cinema, and a really cool art store that we can go to for supplies. The rest of… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n4) MH
Pic1. Vectorworksというソフトを使用して図面を書きました。建築ではなくインテリアデザインなので、建物の枠組みは決まっており、その範囲の中でデザインを考えていきます。その範囲といっても、仕切りの壁、天井、床も全て考えていきますので、かなり自由度が高く、初心者の私にとっては一つ一つを決めていく作業が難しく感じましたが、とても楽しみながら考えることが出来ました。 … [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#4) – Edwin M.
For this week, we went around Florence and finally found a couple parks where we can go and relax and get inspiration from the natural world. For our Villa project I got a lot done: Finalizi… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n3) MH
学校の近くにあるオブラーテ図書館に行きました。 入り口に憩いのスペースがあり、ゆったりとした時間が流れています。 上階へ行くと景色の良いカフェもあります。 また、児童書のコーナーには沢山の絵本があり、イタリア語の勉強に活用出来そうです。 週末に友達と国内旅行に行きました!イタリアは素晴らしい場所が沢山ありますので、時間があれば色々な場所に足を運ぶこと… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#3) – Edwin M.
This week was a slow week. All we did was: work a lot on my Villa. Went on our art visit on Thursday, and went to a museum saturday. During the week I cooked a lot and most of the pictures are… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n2) MH
今日は学校の通訳の方に美味しいピザのお店に連れて行ってもらいました。 私は定番のマルゲリータを頼みましたが、スモーキーな香りがあり、薄くてモチモチの生地で絶品でした。 美味しいピザを食べた後、無添加のジェラートを食べにいきました。イタリアは本当にジェラート屋さんが多く、日々色々なお店の味比べを楽しんでいます。日本人がシメにラーメンを食べるように、イタリアの方はシメに… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#2) – Edwin M.
For my second week in Florence, it was pretty simple, until the weekend. I had my first logo design class on Tuesday. Basically we just sketched up ideas for our logo, our brand, and I have so… [Read more]
Reporter: M.H. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n1) MH
フィレンツェに到着した日に、学校の下見に行きました。 学校へ向かって歩いていると、目の前にドゥオーモが、、、! 学校から本当にすぐのところなので、これを毎日見ることができるなんて贅沢だな〜と感動しました。 今日は同じクラスの子達と学校の近くのレストランにランチに行きました。 多くのレストランがテラス席を設けていました。お喋りをしながらゆっくりとランチ… [Read more]
Reporter: Edwin Maldonado | Course: Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#1) – Edwin M.
This week was my first week in Italy. Daniella Ruiz and I flew out of JFK April 30th and landed May 1st in Rome. Our first day was a little rough trying to get to our apartment, but we eventua… [Read more]
Reporter: Wenjie | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n3)
This week, the professor told me to design a jewelry shop which I also have never designed before. It’s also a challenge for me. I made 3 plans and found one of them I can feel satisfy. Then I… [Read more]
Reporter: Wenjie | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N2 (Wenjie)
Continue last week’s work,trying to design the bookshelf. But i still stucking in what kind of shape should i do. Feel a little bit anxious about that can’t find the best answer. I guess is th… [Read more]
Reporter: Wenjie | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N1 (Wenjie)
The professor ask us to design a bookshelf.This is my first time to try to design furniture.I try to design for a bookstore to make the books display look more interesting and I choosed the ma… [Read more]
Reporter: Marina Tatshani Rabadon II | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.11)
WEEK 11 This week Professor Bicci asked me to make the electrical floor plan of the jewelry shop. We already discussed this before but this was my first initial attempt to make an actua… [Read more]