Reporter: Shoemaking

Jun. 02, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 5-Atelier One-Year Course 2016

Working on our mood boards. Mood boards are a type of collage consisting of images and can be a great way for designers to find inspiration and convey their ideas. Students at the Archaeology M… [Read more]

May. 31, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: John Shepherd | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 2-Summer Course 2016

My Second Week My second week was spent practicing the pattern-making steps I learned in week one.I also made the pattern and the complete shoe for the third décolleté style, the “Chanel”. With the t… [Read more]

May. 31, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 4-Atelier One-Year Course 2016

Professor Andrea takes the time to carefully examine each student's work during the sketching process. If all looks good, she allows them to move forward to the coloring and shading phase. Stud… [Read more]

May. 30, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 3-Atelier One-Year Course 2016

Learning how to properly color our designs. We had to learn first how to shade with color pencils. There are several ways to shade one's work. We were taught all ways but we chose the one that we li… [Read more]

May. 27, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 2-Atelier One-Year Course 2016

Our professor, Andrea Roth, demonstrating how a particular design would look like on a heel of a woman's shoe. If the students have a difficult time visualizing a feature, we make that feature out o… [Read more]

May. 27, 2016 | Posted in Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: John Shepherd | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 1-Summer Course 2016

My First Week I arrived in Florence on Sunday evening. I was pleasantly greeted by a young Italian man. He drove me to the apartment where I will be staying for the duration of the course. The apar… [Read more]

May. 26, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Christine Lesperance | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 1-Atelier One-Year Course 2016

The first week of class we discovered and discussed different styles of shoes. The Slingback shoe, the Mary Jane, and a couple of pumps were available for us to view up close. Learning proporti… [Read more]

May. 23, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 26-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Ho fatto un disegno nuovo alla forma nuova. 새로 마련한 라스트에 새로운 디자인을 해보았습니다. Il maestro Angelo mi ha spiegato come fare un modello di carta di questo disegno. 안젤로 선생님이 이 디자인의 패턴을 … [Read more]

May. 20, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 25-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Dopo aver attaccato il sopratacco, ho passato tutta la parte sulla suola. 소프라타코를 붙인후, 아웃솔의 전체 코팅면을 갈아냈습니다 Ho passato anche tutto in giro della suola e il tacco con la macchina e la raspa ec… [Read more]

May. 19, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 24-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Sto cucendo terzo alla suola con regina e spago. Devo cucire con premura. 아웃솔에 레지나와 송진과 왁스를 먹여서 적당한 가닥수로 꼬아만든 스파고를 사용해 세번째 바느질을 하는중입니다 무로 사이가 무너지지않게 주의해야합니다. Dopo avere finito c… [Read more]

Apr. 17, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 23-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Ho segnato sulla intersuola con compasso per cucire la suola 바느질할곳을 표시합니다 방법은 여러가지가 있습니다. Il maestro Angelo mi ha fatto vedere che; il metodo di aprire la suola per cucire. … [Read more]

Apr. 15, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 22-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Ho cucito alla tomaia con la intersuola. 어퍼와 인테르수올라에 바느질을 끝냈습니다. Il maetro Angelo mi ha insegnato a tagliare l'avanzo della tomaia. 안젤로 선생님이 쿠치레후 남는 불필요한 어퍼를 자르는법을 알려주셨습니다. Dop… [Read more]

Apr. 15, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 21-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Si attacca lo sughero sulla tramezza. 코르크를 인솔에 알맞은 크기로 붙여줍니다. Si prepara intersuola. 인테르수올라를 준비합니다 Il maestro Angelo ha fatto vedere il metodo che; si attacca intersuola con la… [Read more]

Mar. 11, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 20-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Dopo avere finito il montaggio, si conficca i chiodini sul muro della soleta, poi si toglie altri chiodini. 라스팅을 완료하고 난후, 인솔의 무로위에 못을 박습니다 그후 나머지못들을 뽑아줍니다. Il maestro Angelo mi ha fatto ve… [Read more]

Mar. 10, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 19-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Prima del montaggio, si deve mettere contrafforte nella tomaia con la scagliolina. Quando si attacca contrafforte, si deve essere interno piu lungo di esterno. 라스팅을 하기전 뒷축 보강재를 어퍼와 라이닝사이에 파스타베지탈… [Read more]

Feb. 23, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 18-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Abbiamo fatto una festa di compleanno di Shuri, l’ amica di scuola.
Abbiamo mangiato la torta, i dolci e spumante
E’ stato divertente. 학교친구 슈리의 생일날 우리는 쉬는시간에 작은파티를 했습니다
케익과 간식들 그리고 샴페인을 마시며… [Read more]

Feb. 18, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 17-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Ho imparato a fare carta di modello della fodera. Questa volta ho fatto la fodera dell’unico pezzo. 라이닝 패턴을 만드는법을 설명들었습니다 이번 라이닝은 뒷축까지 가죽의 겉면으로 이루어지게 한장의 가죽으로 만들어보았습니다. Anche della parte a… [Read more]

Feb. 15, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Hyoungki LEE | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 16-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Il mio modello e' ripido del collo del piede, anche dell’unico pezzo, percio' dovevo usare il metodo special; questo metodo si chiama la cambratura. Si puo’ fare con la macchina e a mano. Il… [Read more]

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