Taxonomy:Student Reporter
Apr. 10, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Bag Making & Leather Arts , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jude Zaccheus , Bag Making & Leather Arts
Reporter: Jude Zaccheus | Course:
Bag Making & Leather Arts
Black Snake
1. Measurements are made and the pieces needed are cut from a sheet of leather. Snake skin is thin therefore it is first stitched onto a piece of leather before being used. Salpa, a material recycl… [Read more]
Mar. 20, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Hyunjin Kim , Shoemaking
Reporter: | Course:
Shoe Making Loafer (Navy blue)
1.Prima di fare le scrpe di cuoio, le posso provare altro materiale. 가죽으로 신발을 만들기 전에 다른 재료를 사용해서 신발을 만들어본다. 2.Primo deve praticare che fare le scarpe altro materiale e dopo posso fare le sca… [Read more]