Reporter: Kairi T.

Jun. 01, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#3) – Kairi T

With fellow students of the chef training course. シェフ養成コースの仲間たちと。 With fellow students of the chef training course. シェフ養成コースの仲間たちと。 A fieldwork visit to a salami workshop… [Read more]

May. 26, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#2) – Kairi T

Mr. Francesco, the chief teacher. 主任のフランチェスコ先生。 Like-minded friends are united by a passionate bond that transcends language barriers. 同じ志を持つ仲間は、言葉の壁を超えて熱い絆で結ばれています。 Frie… [Read more]

May. 21, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#1) – Kairi T

A scene from a lesson of the chef training course. Each lesson was full of fresh surprises as the dishes we made changed each time. The veteran chef, Mr. Francesco, helped us a lot! Tasting t… [Read more]

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