Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Elda Arcetti

Nationality: Italy
Course: Jewelry Design
Program: Art Short Course
Period: Sept. 5, 2016- Sept. 16, 2016

Il mio nome è Elda Arcetti, sono Ingegnere Civile, sempre mi sono dedicata a diversi Hobbies artigianali. Qualche anno fa ho cominciato ad studiare Oreficeria e da questo momento ho scoperto la mia vera passione.
Ho realizzato diversi corsi di Oreficeria a Caracas, Venezuela, ma Io cercavo un’Accademia per poter sviluppare studi più avanzati su Disegno di Gioielli e Incisione.
Ho cominciato a studiare un Programma di Gioielleria, de Disegno di Gioielli e Incisione all'Accademia Riaci a Firenze, Italia. Sto ricevendo lezioni di diversi professori che sono artigiani altamente qualificati, i quali manifestano una grande passione per l’arte della Oreficeria. La esperienza che sto vivendo, mi aiuterà a migliorare le mie tecniche e poter applicarle nel mio studio.

My name is Elda Arcetti, I am civil engineer and alway I had many and differets craft hobbies. Some years I started to studie Jewelry Making and form this moment, I discovered my real passion.
I have done many different courses of Jewelry Making in Caracas, Venezuela. I was looking for an academy to develop more advanced studies of Design and Etching.
I already started a Jewelry Making program, design of jewelry and etching at the Accademia di Riaci in Florece, Italy. I am taking classes with different teachers who are highly skilled craftsmen. They have shown to me a great passion for the art of the goldsmith. The experience I am living will help me improve techniques and apply them in my own workshop.

これまでにカラカスとベネズエラでジュエリー制作を学んできました。今回、ジュエリーデザインとエッチングの学びを深める学校を探してここに辿り着きました。 アカデミアリアチでジュエリー制作とジュエリーデザイン、そしてエッチングのレッスンを、それぞれ高い技術をお持ちの先生方から教わっています。みなさん、金細工技術への熱い情熱をお持ちです。ここでの経験を通して技術を高め、自分の教室で活かしたいと思います。

Sep. 22, 2016 | Posted in Uncategorized , | Tags:, Reporter: Elda Arcetti | Course: Jewelry Making

Elda Arcetti


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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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