Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
Read all class reports from our students!
Sofia Pollano
Nationality: Mexican
Course: Interior Design
Program: Short course
Period: Feb. 9, 2015 - May 9, 2015
After studying Industrial Design in Guadalajara, Mexico , I came to Italy to take a short course of Interior Design . Previously I took a course in Jewellery Design and I like it a lot but I’m also interested in interior design. That's why I came to Accademia Riaci to specialize a little bit more.
May. 08, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:Sofia Pollano, Interior DesignReporter: Sofia Pollano | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 12-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta es la última semana del curso de 3 meses que tomamos Yuki y yo. Imprimimos nuestros proyectos terminados, y trabajamos en un proyecto extra, yo diseñando un bar y Yuki el interior de un departamento.
This is the last week of the 3 months course. So we printed out our final projects while we worked on another project. I was designing a bar and Yuki the interior of a house.
Esta semana llegó una alumna nueva de diseño de interiores. Y estuvo trabajando en su proyecto
This week there’s a new student girl of interior design. She has been working on her project.
Terminé el diseño del bar que estaba haciendo, hace falta detalles técnicos.
I am done with the design of my bar and I am missing the technical details.
El último día el profesor nos revisó todos los trabajos hechos durante el curso, y corrigió detalles para poder imprimirlos y entregarlos.
The las day the professor checked all our projects that we did during the course so we could go on printing.
Es mi última semana en Florencia también, así que fui a caminar con mis amigas y a tomar fotos. Me gustó mucho la ciudad y la voy a extañar mucho.
This was my last week in Florence, so I went with my friends to walk and take photos. I really loved this city and I am going to miss it so much.
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#13) – K T Truong
Due to the help of the professor, I was able to mo…
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG
Interior Design
Graphic Design Illustration Short Course (#04) – Roanne D.
This is my last week of class. We studied a variety …
Reporter: Roanne Descallar
Graphic Design
Furniture Restoration Summer Course (#1) – tsugumi-n
Working in class.
In cl…
Reporter: Tsugumi N.
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.