Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie)
Nationality: Taiwan
Course: Interior Design
Program: Atelier 1year Course
Period: Sept 07,2015-Apr.22,2016
我在美國拿到供應鏈管理的學士學位後回台灣擔任採購的職位五年. 但是在後面的兩年我深刻地感受到採購不是我想要的職業而是室內設計. 所以我選擇了Accademia Riaci來學習設計的理念和美感的培養,我相信在就學的這段時間,我可以從這間學校學到很多的東西.
Jan. 15, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:Bonnie Chen, Interior DesignReporter: Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie) | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 14-Atelier One-Year 2015
Over the holiday, I worked on the hand-drawing of my own apartment as a side project; this one is the floor plan with scale of 1:40 ;
放寒假的期間, 我手繪了自己的公寓; 這張是平面配置圖;比例 1: 40
This one is A-A’ elevation view with scale 1: 20;
這張是A-A’ 立面圖;比例1:20
This one is B-B’ elevation veiw with scale 1:20;
這張是B-B’ 立面圖;比例1:20
This one is the perspective view of the bedroom;
This one is the perspective view of the livingroom;
X’mas tree in front of the Duomo;
Light festival in Santo Spirito;
在 Santo Spirito 廣場的燈光節慶
During X’mas season, I also visited the X’mas market in Arezzo.
The X’mas market in Arezzo. Arezzo
I stayed in Florence and went out on the New Year’s Eve to see how local celebrate the night of 2015 to 2016; IT WAS CROWDED;
New Year’s Eve celebration; people were everywhere.
Vivanda; one of my favorite restaurant here in Florence; The restaurant is located in the district of San Frediano, and they offer natural wines, Slow Food, and pleasant jazz music. They also produce their own wines, vegetable, olio IGP and fresh pasta; One can also choose vegetarians, vegans and gluten-free dishes; for the dairy and meat lover, their cheese and meat are from animals raised on rough grazing; their website: ; Contact info, address: Via Santa Monaca, 7, 50124 Firenze, Italy ; Phone:+39 055 238 1208
Vivanda 是我在佛羅倫斯很愛的一家餐廳;我喜歡這家餐廳的室內裝潢; 它們自己釀酒,做橄欖油;還有義大利麵; 最棒的是他們還提供很好吃的素食餐點
Vegetarian dish at Vivanda;
Vivanda home made bread;
Vinvanda home made pasta;
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#13) – K T Truong
Due to the help of the professor, I was able to mo…
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG
Furniture Design
Graphic Design & Illustration Short Course (#04) – Roanne D.
This is my last week of class. We studied a variety …
Reporter: Roanne Descallar
Graphic Design
Architecture Report #21 – Daniella Ruiz
Week 9 Summary – Dublin, art visit, museums & Fiesol…
Reporter: Daniella Ruiz
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.