Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Zhi Han WONG

Nationality: Malaysian
Course: Interior Design
Program: One Year Course
Period: Sep. 3, 2018 - Apr. 26, 2019

Ciao! Mia here. I was graduated on 2016 for my diploma, before coming to Accademia Raici I was working in an ID firm. The reason why am I choosing to continue my studies properly self-challenge, and the other hand is to find my enthusiasm for design and my own style. I hope I can discover more different things here.

Apr. 05, 2019 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags:, Reporter: Zhi Han WONG | Course: Interior Design

Interior Design vol.13 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)

The last week before Christmas break, is time to manage my own timetable and work on it! This week we have a theme for art visit- “The Secret of Florence I”. Barbara have took us discern the special Florentina buildings, painting and sculpture.
The Romanesque architecture style of the secret façade before Gothic style. San Salvatore al Vescovo is was the first 11th century church located in Florence. The green marble highlights that it is the same period with San Miniato al Monte and Santa Maria Novella.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

The following we walk beside the Florence Duomo, and that is a story about the white marble on the floor. The white marble is record the huge gold ball on the top of Duomo was struck by lightning 100 years ago, and the ball roll down the dome and drop on the point which the white marble places it.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Next, we stop by in front of Palazzo Vecchio. The secret bas-relief face on the facade wall show Michelangelo Bounarroti face.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

After then we when into the Piazza della Signoria and look at the “Perseus with the Head of Medusa”. The bronze sculpture is made by Benvenuto Cellini. The special thing if you want to know if this is Cellini create work you can stand behind the sculpture and discover there is a face of Cellini to prove that is his work.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog
Unconsciously, we in the Ponte Vecchio, and Barbara show us one of the church name “Chiesa di San Jacopo Soprarno”. It was a Romanesque style church built in 10th-11th centuries. The church damaged when the Arno River flooded in 1966. Hope we can visit the interior part on next art visit.

Interior Design blog
Last, we stop at a church name “Chiesa di Santa Felicita”. It is a roman catholic church and is the older church in the city.


Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O

(2月3日) 今日は画像を使ってイタリア語レッスン。レッスンの後は、クラスメイトと散策兼ねてメルカート…
Language:   Reporter: Kazumi O
Course: Internship

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Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O

(1日目) いよいよ留学生活スタート。時差でイタリア時間4時半起床。前日の23時到着で疲れているはずが…
Language:   Reporter: Kazumi O
Course: Internship

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Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG

The production of the second bag has started. This …
Language:   Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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