Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
Read all class reports from our students!

Emilia Asanza
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Course: Jewelry Design, Jewelry Making
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Sept. 8, 2014 - Apr. 24, 2015
Oct. 28, 2014 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:Emilia Asanza, Jewelry MakingReporter: Emilia Asanza | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Course : Weekly Report (Reporte Semanal oct 18 – 26)
This week, October 18-26. We still practice the same subject as the last week, but now it’s a little bit more complicated.
Semana 18-26 de octubre. Seguimos hacienda las mismas proyecciones que la semana anteior, solo que ahora con un poco mas de dificultad.
In the afternoon I’m practice at home or in the school, I have to know very well to do this kind of projections.
En las tardes sigo practicando en casa o en la ecuela, necesito saber super bien hacer etas proyecciones.
This Friday in our walking tour we went to Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella. We could smell the fragrances and saw a lot of interesting things, some of them are made in the same way as they were in the medieval.
Este viernes en nuestra salida, fuimos a Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella, pudimos oler las frgancias que ellos realizan, tambien vimos algunas cosas interesantes que realizan con recetas de hace años atras.
This Saturday we had an art stage, we went to Palazzo Pitti. Andy, the teacher, showed us some techniques of drawing and we did some exercise of what we have learned. The class finished at 6:30 but the experiences was amazing.
Este sabado tuvios art stage, fuimos a Palazzo Pitti. Andy la profesora nos enseño algunas tecnicas sobre dibujo al igual, realizamos algunos ejercios de lo aprendido. La clase duro hasta las 6:30 pero la experiencia fue hermosa.

Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG
The production of the second bag has started.
This …
Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Bag Making & Leather Arts
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.