Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Constance Schürch
Nationality: Chile
Course: Jewelry Making
Period: Sep. 2017- Aug. 2018
Participé en el Concurso Internacional de Arte y Diseño de la Accademia Riaci, al cual postulé con un collar de cobre obteniendo el segundo lugar, motivo por el cual decidí seguir mi pasión en Italia.
After receiving my degree in Spaces and Objects Design and a post-diploma in Lighting Design, I worked as for 4 years as International fairs designer for the Chilean Goverment and as Project Manager for the Chilean- German chamber of commerce and Industry. I arrived into the jewelry field for personal research , which brought me complete satisfaction expressing myself through the metal.
I applied into the Accademia Riaci International Art & Design competition with a copper necklace to represent my country, obtaining a second place. That was the principal reason that helped me follow my true passion.
Jan. 23, 2017 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , Assistant Reporter | Tags:Constance Schürch, Jewelry MakingReporter: Constance Schürch | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making 2-Internship Course 2016
Llegó diciembre y la navidad se respira en cada una de las calles de la ciudad.
Las tiendas adornadas con ramas de pino y las calles iluminadas con diferentes luces, hacen que haya una atmosfera festiva.
December is here and you can feel the Christmas spirit on every corner. The stores are decorated and the streets are full of amazing lights.
El gran árbol en Plaza del Duomo mide 10mt. De alto y es traído de Dolomiti. Es decorado con lilios rojos (el símbolo de Florencia) y luces blancas.
The big Christmast tree at Piazza Duomo is 10m tall and it comes from Dolomiti. It’s decorated with red lillies (the Florence symbol) and white lights.
La asistente Emi Ota realizó un workshop de fotografía digital (con smatphone) de objetos, en el que entregó tips e ideas para hacerlo en la casa. Fue muy útil para aprender a tomar buenas fotos con pocos recursos.
Emi Ota, Riacis Assistant, made a workshop of digital photography (with smarphone) of objects. She gave ideas and tips to make a little studio at home. It was very useful to know how to make a good photo with less resourses.
En la clase de joyería con el profesor Bartalesi, aprendimos a hacer una joya utilizando hueso de sepia como soporte. Se realizó a partir de un anillo hecho en cera azul. Este quedó bien estampado en ambas caras de la sepia y coincidían perfectamente.
In the jewelery making class with Professor Bartalesi, we learned how to make a piece using sepia bones as the container. It was made from a blue wax ring. This was well stamped in both faces of the sepia bones and fit perfectly.
Una vez esta bien estampado el molde de cera en la sepia, se amarra con alambre y se procede a vaciar la plata fundida en la esta.
Once the model is well stamped in the sepia bones, the sepia gets tightened with a wire. Then the melted silver can be trasfered to the sepia container.
Separamos el soporte y tenemos la pieza de plata ya lista para comenzar a trabajar sobre ella y darle el acabado deseado.
We separate the sepia container which gives us the silver piece.
Puliendo un anillo de plata con bisel para piedra.
Polishing a silver ring with bezel.
Anillo terminado. Plata 925, ópalo, grabado floral a mano
Finished 925 silver ring with opal. Floral hand engraved
La Academia celebró con sus alumnos el fin de semestre con panetone y espumante. Nos reunimos todos en el taller de joyería para compartir.
The Academy celebrated the end of the semester with panetone and sparkling wine. We all met at the jewelry lab to share.
El segundo domingo de cada mes, se realiza un mercado en la plaza de Santo Spirito. Se pueden encontrar productos artesanales gourmet, antigüedades, ropa vintage, plantas, esculturas en bronce, entre otros.
Every second sunday of the month there is a market at Piazza Santo Spirito. There is a variety of artisan products, gourmet food, antiques, plants and vintage clothes, among others.

Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG
The production of the second bag has started.
This …
Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Bag Making & Leather Arts
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.