Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Constance Schürch
Nationality: Chile
Course: Jewelry Making
Period: Sep. 2017- Aug. 2018
Participé en el Concurso Internacional de Arte y Diseño de la Accademia Riaci, al cual postulé con un collar de cobre obteniendo el segundo lugar, motivo por el cual decidí seguir mi pasión en Italia.
After receiving my degree in Spaces and Objects Design and a post-diploma in Lighting Design, I worked as for 4 years as International fairs designer for the Chilean Goverment and as Project Manager for the Chilean- German chamber of commerce and Industry. I arrived into the jewelry field for personal research , which brought me complete satisfaction expressing myself through the metal.
I applied into the Accademia Riaci International Art & Design competition with a copper necklace to represent my country, obtaining a second place. That was the principal reason that helped me follow my true passion.
Jun. 09, 2017 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , Assistant Reporter | Tags:Constance Schürch, Jewelry MakingReporter: Constance Schürch | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making 5-Internship Course 2016
Viajamos a Munich, Alemania para la semana de la joyería “München Jewellery Week”, que se llevó a cabo este año entre el 8 y el 14 de marzo. El show “Schmuck” en el recinto de ferias internacionales Handwerkmesse, es el evento más grande llevado a cabo en el ámbito de la joyería contemporánea.
We travel to Munich, Germany for “München Jewellery Week”, event that was helded this year between the 8th and the 14th of march. The special show “Schmuck” at Internationale Handwerkmesse is the major event in the field of contemporary art jewellery.
Por más de 50 años, SCHMUCK ha atraído numerosos visitantes internacionales en la ciudad de Munich. Más de 700 diseñadores aplican cada año para poder exponer sus piezas en esta muestra. En la foto, el Hall B1 en el centro de exhibiciones Messe München.
67 expositores de 31 paises presentaron sus obras de joyería contemporanea.
For more than 50 years , SCHMUCK has attracted numerous international visitors to Munich. Over 700 jewellery designers applied to have their work displayed at this show.
In the picture, Hall B1 at the Messe München exhibition centre. 67 exhibitors from 31 countries presented their works of contemporary jewellery.
Galerie Handwerk – Homenaje a Manfred Bischoff. 100 obras de Manfred.
Galerie Handwerk – Tribute to Manfred Bischoff. 100 works of Manfred.
Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste – exposición de las obras de Mari Ishikawa, Margit Jäschke y Susanne Wagner.
Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste – exhibition of the works of de Mari Ishikawa, Margit Jäschke y Susanne Wagner.
En la apertura de la exposición “Light Matters”. Trabajo presentado por 6 artistas de la escuela Alchimia, en el cual el concepto trabajado fué el diálogo creado entre sus creaciones y la luz.
At the Opening of “Light Matters” exhibition. Work presented of 6 Alchimia grads, in which the concept was the dialogue created between their pieces and the ilumination.
Construcción de anillo bombé. Soldando el gambo interno.
Construction of the bombé ring. Soldering the intern piece.
Una vez que el anillo esta terminado (limado y pulido) se procede a perforar con la fresa circular del diámetro de la piedra a engastar. La técnica de engaste a realizar es Pavé, en la cual las piedras están engastadas lo más cerca posible entre ellas.
Once the ring is finished (filed and polished) you drill with a circular drilling bit of the same diameter of the stone. The Stone setting technique name is Pavé, where the gemstones are set as closely together as posible.
Trabajo terminado. Engasté pavé, 49 peridots.
Work finished. Pavé setting, 49 peridots.
Helados Edoardo. Esta heladería se ubica frente al Duomo Santa María dei Fiore, realizan los conos artesanalmente en el lugar y los helados son biológicos – orgánicos.
Son buenísimos!
Edoardo Ice-cream. This Ice-cream shop is located in front of the Duomo Santa Maria dei Fiore. They have homemade cones and the icecream is biologic – organic. Very tasty!
Paseando por los alrededores del Palacio Pitti. Este palacio fue construido en 1460 por la familia Pitti. Luego, en 1549, Cosimo I (Medici) lo compró. Hoy en día es el palacio más imponente de Florencia, y sus lujosas salas albergan varios museos importantes que contienen los tesoros de los Medici.
Walking around Pitti palace area. This Palace was built in 1460 by the Pitti family, later in 1549, Cosme I (Medici) buyed it. Now a days, is the biggest palace in Florence and their rooms harbor numerous important museums which show the Medicis treasures.

Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O
Reporter: Kazumi O

Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG
The production of the second bag has started.
This …
Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Bag Making & Leather Arts
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.