Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Japan
Course: Jewerly Making
Program: Summer Course
Period: July. 30,2016- Sept. 3, 2016
I have came to like jewerly since I was very young.Since my father bought a little piece of crystal for me,I started to collect jem stones.Now I really want to make my stones into jewelries because they will look more precious than being just by themselves.I believe that all beautiful things would make people happy.Also,I’m super delighted if I could succeded in making someone’s smile by my handmade.
Aug. 30, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:Yumi Hayashi, Jewelry MakingReporter: Yumi HAYASHI | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewerly Making 1-Summer Course 2016
I just walked around with my teacher to buy a small piece of silver board in the town.Suddenly,I found a very nice looking street there.I know that it is a common one in Florence but that kind of a street which like I saw in a movie attacted me very much.
I stepped in a jewelry shop to buy a silver board.They have a lot of fine jewerlies.I especially liked a ring which shape is lily because here Frolence symbol is lily and my mother’s name is it also.I am going to make this shape of a ring for her so that was good inspiration for me.
There are many artistic place you should visit in Florence.This is one of them.I heard that this buinding is some brand’s one.They usually change their building outside looking.It is good inspitaration for me wanting a artistic person.
My teacher and me had a very nice small trip to buy silver in the center of Florence.Before we went to the metal shop,she invited me to her studio near the Ponte Veccio.She said to me that having her own studio there was her dream for a long time.Now it came true!
It is my second work.I think this is a maple leaf.It was more difficult to cut around it because it is not flat.However,I had stayed in Canada for 6 months and its symbol is maple so I was happy to make it.
I have done 4 piece of my ownselfs jewerlies since I was started making jewerly.At the beginning of the class(the first class),since I am beginner of making jewelry,I started just cutting a simple leaf.Even its shape is not such difficult to cut off,it was still hard to do a good job for me.However,I really enjoyed doing my first work ever!
During the class. She is from german and we live in the same flat.Moreover, she is my roommate. This is such a great experience that’s because I had never had a roomate in my whole life.I have experienced a lot of precious things here.
My classmate was filing her handmade ring.Since it is very delicate,she was doing her work very carefully and slowly.I sometimes visit her to see her jewelry during the class and be able to find pretty ones.Her works attract me.
My teacher Joy just showed me how to drill metal and make a hole.Making jewelry often cut yourself if you don’t pay enough attention to doing it.I am not such a person who is careful.I am sure that being a jewelrer improve myself to be a more careful person!
With my classmate.She was making her metal huge and flat by using a hunmer.Doing it ususally makes big sound but we are able to feel that we are craftmen by that sound.She are kind and advice me with her skill of making jewelry.She is also beautiful and happy.I am proud of having her in the same class.
You can find bar everywhere in Italy.They serve coffee and desert and so on.Some have gelato.Bar is common place to enjoy chatting and taking a rest for Itarian.

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The production of the second bag has started.
This …
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.